Taking the next step


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May 15, 2007
New Jersey
Hello all,

I'm a long-time aircraft and armor builder. Got into big vinyl and resin kits for a while and kinda fell back to my old standards.

I went to the recent MFCA show in PA on May 4, got all excited at the dealer tables... then my stomach dropped out when I saw the displays. Absolutely gorgeous and probably beyond my talents.

Anyway I'm determined to try 54mm/ 1/32nd/ 1/35th figures. Have a ton of Tamiya and Dragon styrene figure kits and a few white metal Andrea figures to do. But I'll start slowly, and I'd like to use acrylics.

Can someone tell me their opinion of using a blue light bulb? Actually I can't find one but willing to try.

Magnifier? Yea or nay? I'm leaning towards yea, but opinions welcome.

Thanks, and more questions to come.

Welcome to The forum and figure painting! please note that it does get addictive. For light I combine shop lights in the celling with a standard 60 watt bulb and one of the new energy saver bulbs in "daylight", on clampon light fixtures.

Yes on the eye ware. Keeps young eyes young and lets my older ones see:)
I use an Opti Visor I like the ability to flip it up out of the way when hunting something on my bench.

Welcome and have fun
Thanks, Herb, and I'm glad I asked.

I was gonna go with my favorite 100 watt bulb from a slight distance, but the 60 watt and/ or daylight bulb are the suggestions I was hoping for. :) Thanks again.

Like herb I also use an optivisor which is freqently used in the Diamond industry. Which is quite handy for me since I live in Antwerp (lots of diamonds here).
I also have a blue bulb but usually put on all the lights. I paint in front of a big window which give plenty of light during daytime but still I also use the blue light then.

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