Tarleton uniform colors question


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Mongo Mel

A Fixture
Aug 19, 2003
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
It seems I can't delete my thread here so I'm just going to edit it with this info.
Good news....I found the answer to my question in a search of pF :)


Hi folks,
Some of you may know that I'm hosting a SBS group build of Verlindens Banastre Tarleton bust. I've reached the stage where I'll be painting the uniform soon and am running into some problems on the correct colors.
the box art shows it a medium to light green color with black collar and yellow/gold lining....

I've been doing some searching on the internet and came up with this site...
with these photos...



I also found this portrait of Tarleton...

I'd appreciate it if anyone tell me which shade of green is more correct?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me here :)
This is difficult. The clothing you see on the picture's are in my opinion new. So the paintbath of the early days are different then from today.
If you see the painting it is indeed a dark green. For me it is the same green as the 95th Rifle brigade.
Hope you have something on that.

Hi Marc,
I understand what you are saying about the colors in the photographs being new material. What I'm getting from the photos and the portrait is that the green should be darker than what you see on the box art. Couple that with the description from the sculptor and I think that maybe the box art just looks lighter due to the printing process.
Thanks for the reference to the the 95th Rifle brigade. I know almost nothing about the Revolutionary War except that we won :)
I'll look for info about them on line.
Craig, I would go by the portrait of Lieutenant-Colonel Banastre Tarleton by Sir Joshua Reynolds. You can't really beat primary sources for reference, I would imagine the portrait was painted from life.
Oh, and the Revolutionary War was a victory for law abiding British settlers against against a greedy government and a cruel German King.:p
So you could say we won:D

PS No offence meant to my German friends:D
Well said Roger :D :D

I agree about the portrait as a reference. Although they may suffer from a more idealized view of thing, at least they should be close enough to the real thing to use as a reference.

Craig :)


First of all, please take note that Verlinden figures' box art can be very misleading - specially in their "classic" figure line. Colours tend to be too dull or drab, and often of inadequate shades. The lack of a reference sheet does not help neither. In this particular case, the green they have used would be more in place for a WW2 figure.

Tarleton's Legion uniforms were dark green. The "British Rifles" example I believe is pertinent enough; it is a green akin to that of Napoleonic French Dragoons' uniforms, to put another example. So, trust the portrait.

