A really neat piece.
Reminds me of one I saw in a military modelling magazine a few years back.
It was figure walking off carrying his base on his back.
A really neat piece.
Reminds me of one I saw in a military modelling magazine a few years back.
It was figure walking off carrying his base on his back.
Ahhhhh, now I see; so THAT'S why Pickett's Charge failed ... Great job, Mark! Coincidentally, I'm just teaching the American Civil War in my 11th Grade US History class right now!
The Killer Angels was actually part of the Leadership curriculum at the US Army Command and General Staff College when I taught there years ago.
I took a 4 day seminar at Gettysburg, on the battle, and the first thing we were told was to forget what we had read in said book...most of it was historically inaccurate! It was though, a cracking good read.