His eyes are lost in the clouds, before everything happened he was there dancing on rocks, celebrating the migrations. The longest among the great sages and the most powerful of the shamans, he has superb instinctive abilities, he is always lost in rites and resistance tests to ensure the supremacy of his tribe in the mountains of Bewitched Fangs and on the lake of Falcon Crying.
His peoples, today, has been decimated by the ongoing raids of the Plains' inhabitants, they venture in these wild areas trying to recover fuel and in search of fortune, but a legend tells of the upcoming arrival of an invincible warrior that will scroll so much blood that you could fill the entire lake, his name is Splittingbones.

Concept: Paolo Parente
Sculptor: Sergeant BlackArt
Painter: Fabrizio Russo
Material: White Metal
Pieces: 11
Weight: 178gr
Scale: 1:32

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