Terrible Kids Stuff
Active Member

Limited edition: 150 copies
Mark up to: Fundación P.U.P.I.
Category: Paul Bonner
Concept: Paul Bonner
Sculptor: Allan Carrasco
Painter: Allan Carrasco
Material: Resin (Grx Créations)
Scale: 1:24 (75mm)
Note: sold unassembled, unpainted and base not included

We would like to introduce a special release, one of which we are particularly proud of. A great collaboration between Paul Bonner and Allan Carrasco in exclusive for MuMi. The Goblin Shaman in 75mm scale, casted in high quality resin by GRX Créations. All the mark up will be devolved to Fundación P.U.P.I. for charity, help us out by spreading the word for this good cause.
The discount code for this release is HALLOWEEN10 which will last until the 10th of November (10 days), it will give you a 10% discount on your order subtotal, it works with: Goblin Shaman, Soul Hunter and Frank Von Stein. Just enter it in the field under the question "Do you have a coupon?" in the checkout page of our online store.
You can find all our miniatures on http://www.terriblekidsstuff.com