Hi to everyone ,
We have all some knowledge the knight .... the equivalent of a modern day battle tank in the early part of 11th century .....one of the most famous and well known was a group called the Teutonic Order and this is the subject of a recent release from the Korean company Nutsplanet .
This is what I will be sharing with you in this review ...a TEUTONIC KNGHT .
Let us have a bit of background to this order of knights who still are in existance today:
Some forty knights were received into the new Order at its foundation by the King of Jerusalem and Frederick of Swabia, who selected their first Master in the name of the Pope and Emperor. The knights of the new confraternity had to be of German birth (although this rule was occasionally relaxed), a unique requirement among the Crusader Orders founded in the Holy Land. They were drawn predominately from the noble or knightly class, although this latter obligation was not formally incorporated into the rule until much later. Their blue mantle, charged with a black cross, was worn over a white tunic, a uniform recognized by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and confirmed by the Pope in 1211. The waves of German knights and pilgrims who followed the Third Crusade brought considerable wealth to the new German Hospital as well as recruits. This enabled the knights to acquire the Lordship of Joscelin and, soon thereafter they built the castle of Montfort (lost in 1271), the rival of the great hospitaller fortress of Krak des Chevaliers. Never as numerous in the Holy Land as either the Hospitaller or Templar Orders, the Teutonic knights were nonetheless a formidable power.
The knights were divided into two classes, knights and priests, the former being obliged to take the triple monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as well as promise to aid the sick and fight the Infidel.
The knights lived communally, sleeping in dormitories on simple beds, eating together in a refectory, the fare modest and no more than was sufficient. Their clothes and armor were likewise simple but practical and their daily duties included training for battle, maintaining their equipment and working with their horses.
Armour was of course vital and this often included great helmed headwear and chainmail and with the image of white emblazoned with insignia the order was distinctive in appearance.
The Order carried on under various leaders and is in existance even now as a result of :
It being formally revived back into a Chivalric Order of Knighthoood, thus making a seperate Chivalric Arm of the Teutonic Order from the present Clerical Papal Arm of the Order in Rome, By His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Karl Friedrich of Germany, on Christmas Day in the year of Our Lord 2001, by Imperial Decree. His Imperial Highness, assumed the Grand Mastership of The Imperial Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden, on the 1st day of Janaury, 2002, thus becoming the 60th Chivalric Hoch-undDeutschmeister of Teutonic Order of Saint Marys Hospital in Jerusalem - Deutscher Orden.
Books are available and make good reading and of course reference material .

Continued in next post:
We have all some knowledge the knight .... the equivalent of a modern day battle tank in the early part of 11th century .....one of the most famous and well known was a group called the Teutonic Order and this is the subject of a recent release from the Korean company Nutsplanet .
This is what I will be sharing with you in this review ...a TEUTONIC KNGHT .

Let us have a bit of background to this order of knights who still are in existance today:
Some forty knights were received into the new Order at its foundation by the King of Jerusalem and Frederick of Swabia, who selected their first Master in the name of the Pope and Emperor. The knights of the new confraternity had to be of German birth (although this rule was occasionally relaxed), a unique requirement among the Crusader Orders founded in the Holy Land. They were drawn predominately from the noble or knightly class, although this latter obligation was not formally incorporated into the rule until much later. Their blue mantle, charged with a black cross, was worn over a white tunic, a uniform recognized by the Patriarch of Jerusalem and confirmed by the Pope in 1211. The waves of German knights and pilgrims who followed the Third Crusade brought considerable wealth to the new German Hospital as well as recruits. This enabled the knights to acquire the Lordship of Joscelin and, soon thereafter they built the castle of Montfort (lost in 1271), the rival of the great hospitaller fortress of Krak des Chevaliers. Never as numerous in the Holy Land as either the Hospitaller or Templar Orders, the Teutonic knights were nonetheless a formidable power.
The knights were divided into two classes, knights and priests, the former being obliged to take the triple monastic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as well as promise to aid the sick and fight the Infidel.
The knights lived communally, sleeping in dormitories on simple beds, eating together in a refectory, the fare modest and no more than was sufficient. Their clothes and armor were likewise simple but practical and their daily duties included training for battle, maintaining their equipment and working with their horses.

Armour was of course vital and this often included great helmed headwear and chainmail and with the image of white emblazoned with insignia the order was distinctive in appearance.

The Order carried on under various leaders and is in existance even now as a result of :
It being formally revived back into a Chivalric Order of Knighthoood, thus making a seperate Chivalric Arm of the Teutonic Order from the present Clerical Papal Arm of the Order in Rome, By His Imperial and Royal Highness Prince Karl Friedrich of Germany, on Christmas Day in the year of Our Lord 2001, by Imperial Decree. His Imperial Highness, assumed the Grand Mastership of The Imperial Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden, on the 1st day of Janaury, 2002, thus becoming the 60th Chivalric Hoch-undDeutschmeister of Teutonic Order of Saint Marys Hospital in Jerusalem - Deutscher Orden.
Books are available and make good reading and of course reference material .

Continued in next post: