Texas Show 2012


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Jim Patrick

A Fixture
Dec 21, 2003
El Paso TX
After the SMASHING success of the pF Workshop 2011 that Gordy and Fernando have put on, I have been hearing rumors for awhile now about a figure show in Texas for 2012. Can anyone confirm or deny these rumors I have been hearing?

Jim Patrick
Ok, Anders... Time for an update! When, where, schedules, costs, anything...?
Guess the Texas lads are all busy creating masterpieces. The Lone Star show will take place March 30-31 at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel. Room rate 99.00 per night. Two day painting workshop featuring Julio Cabos is 175.00 limit 15 seats, also a two day sculpting workshop with Anders also 15 seats, also 175.00. Workshops take place March 29 and 30. Guest speaker is Bill Horan. All of the above on their website www.lonestarfigureshow.com.
I cannot wait for this thing!
Ah, about the website...under construction. At Chicago Bob Bethea gave me a business card with all of the above info on it, so I believe it is good.
Steve is right on the money! The show dates are set for march 30-31, 2012 at the Renaissance Dallas Hotel, just on the out skirts of down town Dallas. It's a great hotel and a great location that is easily accessible from both DFW airport as well as Love Field.

The workshops will be held March 29th-30th at the same venue.

The website is up and running, but is constanty updated.

We will open registration for the workshops in the near future, at which time we will make public announcements with information as how to sign up.

More info will be posted in a separate thread at the appropriate time.
Anders, I was just reading through the web site and I have a few questions (rather than I ASS/U/ME anything)

1- The room rate of $99 (I will round it up to $100, you still have to pay a tax) plus the workshops ($175) plus an additional night in the hotel equals a total of $475. That's not including any entry fees, food for the time you're there, spending money (we all know we LOVE to spend money at a show!) and any travel costs to get to the show. That's getting a little expensive....

Don't misunderstand me. I understand the reasoning behind the associated costs. One cannot simply run a show with workshops for free. Not really sure what the answer is here. Just thinking aloud really. This is going to be an expensive show. More so than any other show? I don't know...I ass/u/me a lot of people will fly in which the hotel's location makes it convient. I guess I'm saying more to keep this in mind rather than me saying to go back an re think the whole idea....

2- The workshops (both your's and Julio's). What will the format look like? Meaning, what will be included with the cost? Figure, putty, paint, brushes, tools, etc., etc......Or is this really known at this time? The sooner this is known the more understanding people will be I think. Even if it's not ready to go on the web site, I think word should be spread on websites (here and TL).

3- What about vendors? Will Andrea be a "vendor" as well? The only reason I'm asking is due to the costs realated to the show and the workshops, how much will attendees be spending on the vendors after they (the vendors) have paid a fee to sell at the show?

4- IF a workshop attendee pays for a paticular workshop and then can't attend, what will the refund policy look like? I ask this because I want to attend, but with my pending retirement from the Army, what if I pay and then I'm not able to attend due to circumstances out of my control?

5- Don't take my questions as being overly pesimistic. I sincerely want to attend. For me? There are just too many things up in the air right now to fully commit to anything but I will pay for the workshop once I have the information.

Jim Patrick
We feel the pricing is a real deal for what you will get. Julio Cabos is a world famous painter, and is one of the best painters (if not THE) in the world right now. I saw where you have defended the pF workshop pricing in other places due to flight etc for instructor. We are cheaper then that, and also have to fly Mr. Cabos over here plus an additional list of expenses that has to be covered. In short, we feel this is a real deal at slightly over $10 an hour plus provided materials. We could have opened it up for 20+ people and lowered the price but loose the quality of learning and less individual attention. This was not something we were willing to sacrifice.

Like I said in the previous post, I will post all the information about the show and workshops once we are ready for people to sign up. We are waiting for the completion of a few small details, and once that is good to go, we will be making the announcements.

At this point I can tell you that you will get a lot with the workshop I am doing, each participant will recieve (to keep) everything needed to do what I do, and then some.

If you are familiar with the seminar I did in Atlanta, where we set a new standard for seminars, this will be no less revolutionary, I promise. But more on this later.

Yes, Andrea Miniatures will have a stand at the show as well as other vendors.

Stay tuned..!
Jim your retiring? Nice work sir! I can answer a couple of those questions. The cost is the cost from what I have seen at past shows. to keep the cost down for me I like to buy a 30 pouch of Miller Lite and keep it in my room (I figure it saves me about a hundred bucks). I also know those seats are gonna go fast so better to reserve ASAP. I hated that I didn't get to see you at the St. Louis workshop so I hope you can make it to this one. From what I hear Andrea will have a spread there and I plan to spend that hundred bucks i saved (see the beer trick) with them. other than that enjoy retirement and I command you to go to Texas for this show! I'll buy you a beer:p
So I don't want to assume either, but I have to choose between either the sculpting or painting workshop?
...I saw where you have defended the pF workshop pricing in other places due to flight etc for instructor...
Perhaps you missed this part?

Don't misunderstand me. I understand the reasoning behind the associated costs. One cannot simply run a show with workshops for free.

I am not "attacking" (maybe that's too strong of a word?) the Dallas Show. Just merely stating that the sooner people know what is involved with the workshop the better it will be.

The sooner this is known the more understanding people will be I think. Even if it's not ready to go on the web site, I think word should be spread on websites (here and TL).

Yes, I saw what you said and rest assured, I will stay tuned....

Jim your retiring?

In a word? YES! On 14 NOV I will hit 21 years active duty. I think it's about time for this old man to leave this stuff to the young men and women :lol:

...enjoy retirement and I command you to go to Texas for this show!...

That's a what I'm a plannin to do...

...I'll buy you a beer

After what you just saved?! And you want to buy me A beer?! :lol::ROFLMAO: Better open up that "30 pouch" and let me dog pile it then make room for my 30 pouch. ;) LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, I'm planning to be there. Not planning to bring my liver as this leaves more room for figures!

Jim Patrick

You are correct! Though not ideal, we thought it best to offer the choice of a sculpting workshop as well as the painting one. There really isn't much out there for learning hands on sculpting and most workshops are painting related. For time reasons it was decided to run the two workshops parallel with eachother. This way we offer the artists the choice of which they would like to focus on at this particular event.
Wow... one little post and the flood gates open. Behold my power! :D

I'm sure the show will have no trouble filling the seats for either seminar. Costs will be a factor for some - maybe many - but not enough to grind things to a halt. They may fill up with a lot of locals because they don't have to stay in the hotel. I live about 20(ish) minutes away, so I would be saving the room costs right there. That's not the case with next year's Tulsa Show. Truth be told, it seems the trend is toward such workshop/seminars at every show now. If not already, then in the near future.

I think the $175.00 mark is a good standard, especially if they're flying someone in from Europe and putting them up in a hotel and feeding them for 3-4 days/nights. That said, is there no one in SoCal, Chicago, STL, or even TX who can preside over such a workshop? Closer might mean cheaper and that would open things up for more people - especially in light of the current economy.

Anyway, I'm sure the show will be a smashing success. Looking forward to it!


Oops, one more thing: is the Lonestar Military Miniatures Society a real group with monthly meetings or an entity created for the purpose of putting on the show?

Oops, one more thing: is the Lonestar Military Miniatures Society a real group with monthly meetings or an entity created for the purpose of putting on the show?


They are real and they are spectacular. seriously though, yes it is a real club that has a newsletter and all. they meet in San Marcos texas at the Library. I am a member but haven't been able to make it to a meeting yet.
San Marcos!? That's between Austin and San Antonio. Why is it being held in Dallas - especially since there's already an active figure group (NTFC) in DFW? Curious...