thats it I'm hooked


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A Fixture
Sep 27, 2003
Hi Guys

I am hooked on the Franco prussian war, could anyone please recommend some good reading plus uniform information and or web sites.

Thanks in advance

Robin, there are two French and one Prussian Osprey books available - these are a must. A really cool website is They have some cool pickelhaubes and other headgear from the period, but even though much of the many, many, uniform and equipment items they show are from the 1890's and after, most of the uniform details remained unchanged from the 1870 war until almost WWI. Very useful site!

You should also, go websurfing for a used copy of the Copernic Detaille and DeNeuville books - also a must.

Michael Howard's classic history of the Franco-Prussian War is comprehensive and very readable. It's been available long enough that you're likely to find it in the public library, and the paperback version is still in print.
Thanks Guys

I have ordered the Ospreys and I am looking out for the other books, as Bill says the Kaiser Bunker is a well laid out and informative website.

Thanks again Guys


I can't offer up any suggestions, but I would second Alistair Horne's work. He's a damn fine author and I really enjoyed his work "How Far from Austerlitz".

"The Reality of War" by Leonce Patry is indeed a first rate account by an actual French Officer participant - a rarity in the English language.

Another excellent book (at least so far - I just started reading it) is Geoffrey Wawro's new (2003) 'The Franco Prussian War; The German Conquest of France 1870-71", which I understand contains a lot of newly discovered material. He also wrote what I understand is a first rate history of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 which I will read next. The 1866 War will probably be a nice off-shoot for me from the F-P War.

Well I certainly hope that the Copernic Detaille book has lots of illustrations. I just paid roughly $100 for it from Amazon UK (ins't it amazing that when you get an out of print book the price is always the maximum you set?).

I've been looking for his work for a while-I have the "Grande Armee" and hopefully it's not the same....

A fool and his money are soon parted ...... :(
Lou, I know how you feel. These types of books unfortunately are not produced often. The Detaille book is pretty good, with a lot of his Franco Prussian war paintings. The De Neuville book is a good one also. If only some publisher would seek out the originals in public/private collections of these artists and put them in a series of books. It's amazing the volume of work these guys put out, and sadly we've propbably seen just a fraction of their life's work.~Gary
Gary. I would think there would be more out there as well. When I was at the army museum in Paris it was astonishing to see the original work of Detaille, Rousselot and DeNeuville decorating every inch of wall space outside of the cabinets. I could have taken aweek just to look at all of them alone. Sadly I am told that once the museum is renovated those will go into storage.

Their artwork and skill alone would in my view merit the release of a "compiled works" but my business side tells me that a publisher would say "you 1000 figure guys and ten watercolorists would buy it-no thanks".
I don't know Lou, there are a lot of history and militaria buffs who collect military art but have no interest in figures. I would think they would be popular books. The prices of the Copernic books seems to tell you there is a demand for them.

The Copernic books are excellent, but one cannot help but realize that they are only the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to documenting the artist's work. I'll bet there are literally hundreds of works by both artists out there that have never found there way into a book or magazine.

I wouldn't give up all hope. If a publisher is willing to publish a $100 book of model soldiers, surely there is somebody our there willing to do the same for Detaille and DeNeuville!


I think the Copernic price is based more on the fact that it's out of print and Amazon makes you "set your price"-in my feeling it's the same as telling a car dealer how much you want to spend-you know the two figures will be "coincidentally" the same.

I tend to think of it differently-if there was such a high demand, then the cost is generally less. A $150 book selling 10,000 copies could sell for $10 if the publisher could sell 10 million copies. There are thousands of beautiful, high quality, phtographic books out there that sell for between $6-$20 because of this. That's also why you can get a DVD player for $30 versus $400 just four years ago. Volume is what sets the price.

While I don't disagree with you that there are more than just us painters, I'd bet if you took all the painters, collectors and militaria buffs and put them together we'd still all be a pretty small group worldwide.

Some Months ago I made a Franco-Prussian Listmania in here is the link

Have you try, when I was looking for the Bucquoy Series on the Napoleonic Army I find then there.

You can find a big list of Illustrated books on the Franco-Prussian War on, this is where I bought my copy of the Alphonse de Neuville: L'épopée de la défaite

Tradition Magazine has a special number which you can find in LCV
HS n°1 LA GARDE DE PARIS (1849-1870)
HS n°11 La gendarmerie impériale
les fidèles de Napoléon III (1849-1870)

I only have the first one on the Garde de Paris, don't speak french but they are fully illustrated with photos b/w and many color.

The Musée de l'armée Also publish two volume on the French Army from 1852-1870

L’armée de Napoléon III (ISBN:2904768009)
L’armée de Napoléon III (2) L’expédition du Mexique et la guerre franco-allemande 1870-1871(ISBN:2904768017)

I have both and they are mostly b/w photos of paints, uniforms and Equipment, but this two should be another must to your list, they are still available in many french bookstores.

A new book(well not that new 2000) L'Armée française vue par les peintres, 1870-1914 by François Robichon(ISBN:2733503138), the first chapter is dedicated to the Terrible Year, with 13 paints of many great Painters, here you can find that Detaille and De Neuville are not the only great painters of this era. If you like the french army uniforms this is another for your wish list.

I hope this list can help you, I would look into my magazines to see what can I find from this era.

See you later (y)
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Eduardo, I recognized your list the other day on Amazon!! This is great information you have provided. I will check out the books you mentioned below.

