Hi to all ,
The country of Korea is the homeland for several quality companies in our world amongst them Nuts Planet who like others have quickly established themselves as a leading light in our miniature world releasing some very interesting subjects
The Roman army was one of immense strength and power but at the core was the symbol of the legion ...the standard ...the Eagle and thats what we have from Nuts Planet ..... a Eagle Bearer or Aqulifer
Lets have a bit of information on these standards which like the Regimental colour's of today's army was the focal point of the Legion's world all throughout the span of the Roman army.
Many forms are seen ranging from the Imago
(a image of the Emperor) or the Vexillum
(a horizontally hung cloth flag) , the Signum
is another type often seen , we also see what has become an endearing image of the Roman Legion ...the Eagle 
was seen in many forms in this period and later in history we also see it being used famously in Napoleon's Army
The men chosen to carry the standard very often gave their lives in defence of their pride , indeed there are recorded by Roman historians of a standard being found still with the hacked off arm with it .....an image I can well imagine ...our modern comparison are the brave young Ensigns at Waterloo .
Books are plenty and all make interesting reading packed full of information.

Continued in next post:
The country of Korea is the homeland for several quality companies in our world amongst them Nuts Planet who like others have quickly established themselves as a leading light in our miniature world releasing some very interesting subjects
The Roman army was one of immense strength and power but at the core was the symbol of the legion ...the standard ...the Eagle and thats what we have from Nuts Planet ..... a Eagle Bearer or Aqulifer

Lets have a bit of information on these standards which like the Regimental colour's of today's army was the focal point of the Legion's world all throughout the span of the Roman army.
Many forms are seen ranging from the Imago

The men chosen to carry the standard very often gave their lives in defence of their pride , indeed there are recorded by Roman historians of a standard being found still with the hacked off arm with it .....an image I can well imagine ...our modern comparison are the brave young Ensigns at Waterloo .

Books are plenty and all make interesting reading packed full of information.

Continued in next post: