Hello JR!Never seen this before!A true candidate for a place in the "Virtual Museum of historical miniatures"!How about some photos of your "Calm before the storm"......IMO your best ´til today.........
John do you have any of the 1/16 Tiger ( I have you to blame for me buying a 1/16 Tiger) and S&T figures you did with Jim I think it was. Also your 1/9 PMC German I think I have only seen one pic/angle of it
Yes would love to see pics of your work from as far back as you have till now in one thread and then ongoing, it could be this one or a new thread with your own title
Hello Mr. Rosengrant!Thanx for showing "Calm before the storm".There was a diorama with 12th Waffen-SS Division Hitlerjugend figures and a Panthertank with zimmerit,too.GSD I have all the S&T figures for the two occassions..And on the fabulous "old" Figurines Magazine there are two covers with your "Valley Forge"-scene and a trapper/continental soldier with hunting shirt.Also I have a big Fallschirmjäger with StG 44 from Warrior.
Beautiful work.
That mg gunner at Kharkov was the reason I returned to painting.
Always loved that S&T tankie with the Thomson.
Great seeing all these pieces from such a master.