Hi All,
I thought I would share some news with you, I have just re-jigged my menu bar on the website, to add in drop down menus for the British Uniforms, Colonial Uniforms and Zulu Corps/Regiments. Although there is no guts behind those pages as yet, (it will be a mammoth task) you can see how many regiments there are pertaining to the Zulu War.
If I were to make one model of every regiment I would have 20 years work, without the other characters, this is one of things I love about the Zulu wars the vast scope to make models.
I have also been in talks with the world renowned authority on the Zulu wars, Ian Knight. He has graciously offered to help me, by providing lots of information, photo's and illustrations. It is therefore my intention at some point to make a Zulu war family tree by regiment, from all the known photo's available so it is all in one place. You will get the chance to see the real people and heroes by regiment.
I also intend to dedicate a section to the work of Ian Knight, this will be from all the TV productions he has advised on etc. Furthermore, there will be a page or two dedicated to the films Zulu & Zulu Dawn.
I know this will take some doing but I would like to try and provide the complete reference package all in one place not only for the modeller but also for people who have an interest in the 1879 Anglo Zulu war.