WIP The clutter that is my bench!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2007
Various kits that are in progress... and have been for a while.

4 nearly finished:
- 120mm Black Watch officer circa 1900 - 1930 (from Red Hackle Miniatures)
- 100mm RSM Scots Guards circa 1900 (from Chota Sahib)
- 100mm Guardsman Coldstream Guards (from D.F. Grieve)
- Bust The Duke of Wellington (from D.F. Grieve)

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Hi James

That’s not clutter on that thar bench ...that’s gold

You’ve certainly got a lot going on I see some CGS and some older classic figures

I’m working on Wellington atm yours looks good

Some nice busts around the table and a lot of tartan/Scottish pieces

Always liked the RSM from CS

Keep at it ..just ENJOY

Great likenesses of Connery and of Edward Fox!

I've shared photos of my bench before, but it always bears sharing again:

That's the most recent photo, from 2022. The dip in those shelves isn't as bad as it looks in that shot. It's 3/4 plywood, but I do need to add a support in the middle.

Great likenesses of Connery and of Edward Fox!

I've shared photos of my bench before, but it always bears sharing again:


I noticed Connery but had to look again to notice Fox. Regarding your bench, mine is one figure surrounded by real clutter! If I had that many figures going at once - more than one, in fact - I'd be paralyzed about what to work on next and frustrated that none were actually done.
The containers on the hutch back represent an ongoing effort to organize the grey army and supplies. I got tired of looking for things I knew I had but couldn't find, and of buying duplicates of things without realizing it. Containers, and labels!
I still have a pile of stuff, though, too. Much of it is on the kitchen table. Eventually I want to be able to sit there to eat.

Do I detect a subtle inclination towards Scotsmen?
I must admit to moving long term WIP to a cupboard of "someday I'll finish it"
Do I detect a subtle inclination towards Scotsmen?
I must admit to moving long term WIP to a cupboard of "someday I'll finish it"

In my case, Pennsylvania Dutch. We give the Scots a run for their money as far as frugality is concerned.
Around here, we call it being Dutchy. "Don't throw that out! You never know, we might need it again some day!"

In my case, Pennsylvania Dutch. We give the Scots a run for their money as far as frugality is concerned.
Around here, we call it being Dutchy. "Don't throw that out! You never know, we might need it again some day!"

Sounds like you're all from Yorkshire, I once had Yorkshiremen described to me as like Scots but with all the warmth, hospitality and generosity kicked out of them. As a Yorkshireman I found it hilarious.

Cheers Simon
Some excellent figures there.. I must confess, having so many started figures in front of me would do my head in. Any figures I loose interest in, are put away until the mojo returns.
I do have an area where I place primed figures, which I build when I cannot concentrate on painting.

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.. finished or not.. (y)
.... Any figures I loose interest in, are put away until the mojo returns.
I do have an area where I place primed figures, which I build when I cannot concentrate on painting.

Looking forward to seeing more of your work.. finished or not.. (y)

I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that. I have figures I primed years ago and have yet to come back and paint them. Sometimes I think I have more fun in assembly (especially if i modify) than in the paint job.