Review The Devil from Nuts Planet


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to one and all ,

Nice to be to look at something for the fantasy modellers out there in resin land and thats what Nuts Planet have done

Announced here on PF
and in social media

Based on the artwork from the Korean concept artist Hyun Joon , Kim (expix)

you can see more of his work at

or have a look at his blog at

Amazing artist in my opinion.

Now I am sure that I am not the first to think of another part of the male anatomy thats in the bag when looking at the artwork but the series is called the eye collection !!!

So here is a couple of references !!!....

Seeing (play on words!!! as how the Devil lives in flames here are a couple of links on painting fire:

Details of the release

Title : The Devil in the Eye Collection

Scale: 75mm

Material: Gray resin

No of pieces: 8

Sculptor: Nelya Vitvitska

Based on artwork by: Hyun Joon ,Kim

Box Art: Myeong Ha Hwang

As with all of the Nuts Planet releases parts are in the distinctive blue box with box artwork on the top and the side ..great reference , with the parts between the high quality foam layers , smaller parts were in a small resealable bag .

Nuts Eyes 001.jpgNuts Eyes 002.jpg

Parts consist of the main torso , right leg , 2 arms , head​
Nuts Eyes 005.jpg
2 wings and a base
Nuts Eyes 004.jpg

Also included is a nice addition in the form of a card of the artwork ( on the back we have a Nuts Planet logo )

Nuts Eyes 006.jpg

Note: There are pins of resin one under her bottom the other under her feet ...these are locating pins

The main figure..... has a casting plug on the shoulder .

The Right leg...... has 2 small plugs to remove , from the heel and the upper thigh.

Arms .....small plugs to remove at the top , there is a piece under the skull she leans on

Head .....excess resin to remove from hair side

Wings .....section of thin resin to remove from wing edge

Base ......quick sand round the edge.

Continued in next post

Onto the resin

Main figure

To say that this young lady is curvy and voluptuous to say the least , long legged , slender and well endowed ..even for the !!

The pose is seated in a casual pose , looking at the body texture there are small "burnt" areas perhaps on the legs and the breasts and torso itself , these are really delicately done adding interest and a option in painting to the model itself

Locating cut outs are provided at the back for the wings and at the arm ends. the right arm finishes at the elbow, the other just below the shoulder.

Nuts Eyes 007.jpgNuts Eyes 008.jpgNuts Eyes 009.jpgNuts Eyes 010.jpgNuts Eyes 011.jpgNuts Eyes 012.jpg
Nuts Eyes 013.jpg

Right leg

Continuing in the long legged theme , this one is positioned slightly up , fitting is easy with minimal filler needed , we have the same effects on the skin as the rest of the body

Both feet are not wearing any shoes showing some good work on the toe details.

Nuts Eyes 014.jpgNuts Eyes 015.jpgNuts Eyes 016.jpgNuts Eyes 017.jpgNuts Eyes 018.jpg


These are very well sculpted , thin and slender the left one leans on a skull which has a great crown on it , showing sharp sculpting skills , fingers are long , thin and boney gripping the victims skull naturally with her finger ends having pointed nails all very well done .

The right one is the whole point of the sculpt and subject..... the bag of eyeballs are being held delicately away from her body , between thumb and forefinger , again the texture continues on the arm .

Fitting is accurate on both arms with again minimal filler required.

Nuts Eyes 019.jpgNuts Eyes 020.jpgNuts Eyes 021.jpg


Here we have a pretty woman , young and dangerous , pointed ears with one peeking out from the left , very nicely done , the hair is blowing around in swirls and parted at the top , texture of the hair strands are good.

Facial features are pretty with some texture on the forehead and lower neck at the side.
Nuts Eyes 023.jpg

Nuts Eyes 024.jpgNuts Eyes 025.jpgNuts Eyes 026.jpg
Nuts Eyes 027.jpg


To say these are an amazing bit of sculpting probably isn't enough , dragon like in shape spread out with tears and holes between the sections the textures are first class other words ..these are a fantasy painters dream

Fit to the rear of the figure is simple , you might want to pin as well as glue ...when in place they look really impressive

Nuts Eyes 028.jpg
Nuts Eyes 029.jpg


This is impressive as well again really good sculpting it depicts a pile of skulls , some with eyeballs, some without , , some with lower jaw , this is again a great painters piece on its own , you could add worms crawling out of the skulls as well .

Nuts Eyes 031.jpgNuts Eyes 032.jpgNuts Eyes 033.jpg

Final thoughts

This is a fantasy painters dream model , bags of texture and details , really good casting resulting from equally good sculpting and inspirational concept artwork .

As expected the presentation is QUALITY as are the contents inside .

Highly recommended

For more information on this and other releases have a look at the website

or follow on facebook

E Mail: [email protected]

Thanks to
for the review piece and to you all for looking in

Enjoy the modelling

I got mine from El Greco yesterday and I completely agree with the 'open box' review. The sculpting and casting are stunning.
She just might get moved farther up the list of 'I gotta paint this' projects.
After all, the Devil made me do it!