Thanks Billy,much appreciated.Nice piece Ralph
I'll need to have a look at the Scale75 site, I like this one
Thanks Andrew,always appreciated.Nice piece.
Well presented with good groundwork.
Thanks Trex,much appreciated.Nice painting and groundwork.
Thanks John,always appreciated.Came out nice and worth the struggle.
Thank you Martin,much appreciated.Beautiful! The choice of the colors is fitting to the hunter theme and even the merciless enlarged pictures do not show any major flaw. Just one notion: he is aparently putting his full bodyweight against the leash and the dog is dragging at it - maybe the leash should be a tad more tight.
Cheers, Martin
Thanks Marc,always appreciate your comments.good work all around.
Thanks Colin,always appreciate your comments.I can't see where you struggled here... great job, excellent overall presentation.
Great looking dog!
Thanks Nap,always appreciated your support.Looks great Ralph like the dog especially but they also work very well together , nicely painted and also based up .
Thanks for sharing
Thanks Joe,always appreciate your comments.Man that dog looks quite the beast! That's some fine work Ralph !