Kenneth, my good friend, I think you, probably more than anyone else here on pF, have made the most progress. It's really nice seeing your progress first hand. Even if it's only through our "virtual" club. I agree with everyone's comments to date. One silly question though. What did you use for the leaves? Kennetth, I really do like this and like even more seeing your progress.
Jim,buddy,thank you very much for the encouragement;it is greatly appreciated :lol: ! The pumpkin leaves were made from Hudson and Allen "vine" leaves. The shape of these items were as close as I could get to the actual pumpkin leaf shape. HTH,my friend. Cheers !
Kenneth .
Hi All :lol: !
Well,the "mandolinist" is finally done (my first completed project for 2006 ) ! Finished it with Vallejo acrylics and I got the background for the name-tag off the Internet (a simplified version of the Russian Imperial crest). As always,thanks for looking and cheers !
Kenneth .
Thanks for all the encouragement, guys; I really appreciate them !! Here then are a few more shots taken during the daytime. Hopefully it shows the vignette details better. Thanks for looking and cheers !
Kenneth :lol: .