I don't disagree but it all depends on the weight of the bow...,...the arrow is only going to travel 25-40 meters allowing for trajectory
(I used to shoot about 80lbs at full draw - but keep that under your hat)
I don't disagree but it all depends on the weight of the bow...,...the arrow is only going to travel 25-40 meters allowing for trajectory
I already discussed this point on modelsculpt. Sergei told us that figure was intended as a part of a scene - so this angle was a specific request. He never told what the setup was.I would also like to see more lift to the bow and arrow so I could imagine the arrow traveling some distance , mybe not as much as in the picture Tony supplied . As it is the arrow is only going to travel 25-40 meters allowing for trajectory
What on earth makes you think about samurai arrows here - have you ever seen one ? Bodkin may be arguably touch too big, but not unrealistic, otherwise proper longbow arrow, correct size and shape of fletchings, good diameter for warbow - Sergei got alot of things right here.and some of the arrows look like those used by Japanese Samuri
And as an early example of germ Warfare if the arrow didn't kill you then the bit of poo stuck to it would........Eventually..Lol....KevinThat's a real nice job. A minor point they almost never carried arrows like that in battle but stuck them into the ground for ease of use