Review The Medieval Blacksmith from TGB Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to all on this great Planet of ours ,​

Sometimes manufacturers release subjects out of the normal genre of Military subjects ...much I hasten to add to eveyones joy ...diversity is the keyword in our resin world.

One of these have been released by a company which has released in the past busts of a WW2 Russian Officer and a Korean Archer as well as 54mm and 1/35th figures , this time we have another bust ..the subject being unusual but a striking one for sure:

Medieval Blacksmith from TGB MINIATURES
Lets have a bit of information on the Blacksmith in the Medieval period :

A Blacksmith is a combination of the two words 'black' and 'smith'. A 'Smith' is someone who works with metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable). A 'Smith' was described according to the metals that he worked such as a goldsmith, silversmith or a blacksmith. A blacksmith was named because he was a 'smith' who worked in the "black" metal namely iron as opposed to the "white" metals such as tin, silver or gold. While 'Smith' may have first appeared in its current form in Middle English, it is really a much older word, probably based on a prehistoric German word meaning "worker" or "craftsman."

The Medieval blacksmith was an important member of the community. The life of a Medieval Blacksmith would vary according to their location:

  • Village Blacksmith - Lived in a small rural community making various tools, household objects and weapons
  • Castle Blacksmith - Lived in the protection of the castle and required to make and maintain the weapons and armor of lords, knights and men-at-arms
  • City of Town Blacksmith - Lived in the town and belonged to a guild
  • Monasteries or Abbeys - Monks were also blacksmiths
  • Medieval blacksmiths were also an important part of a fighting army, making new weapons keeping up a supply of arrowheads and repairing and the maintenance of old weapons and armor
There was a variety of Medieval Blacksmith tools and equipment. A list and description of the tools and equipment used by a Medieval Blacksmith are detailed as follows:
  • An anvil - a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering
  • Tongs
  • Bellows
  • A variety of hammers varying in size for shaping and finishing
  • Swages - Tools, variously shaped or grooved on the end or face, used by blacksmiths for shaping their work by holding the swage upon the work, or the work upon the swage, and striking with a sledge hammer
  • Swage block - a perforated block of iron, having grooved sides and adapted for use in heading bolts and swaging objects of a large size
  • Fullers - A half-round set hammer, used by a blacksmith for forming grooves and spreading iron. Also called a 'creaser'
  • Sledge Hammers
  • Punches - Tools for making (usually circular) holes
  • Drifts - Slightly tapered tools of steel for enlarging or shaping a hole in metal, by being forced or driven into or through it. Also called a broach
  • Axe
  • Chisels
  • Bit - A tool for boring, of various forms and sizes
  • Auger bit - a bit with a cutting edge or blade
  • Moulds for making popular and everyday items
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The Medieval Blacksmith made a huge variety of items and objects which included:

  • Medieval Weapons including swords, daggers, lances, arrow heads etc.
  • Siege Weapons
  • Medieval Armor and shields
  • Tools
  • Nails
  • Church and Castle Doors - hinges, locks and keys
  • Portcullis
  • Instruments of torture and chains
  • Household objects including knives, light fittings, pokers etc.
  • Ornaments
  • Jewelry
  • Decorative Objects
As you can see a very important man in the medieval lifestyle both for Military and domestic items ...a respected man and one who through his work was naturally very muscular and strong ...and very practical .

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Continued in next post:

On now to the actual model:

Title: Medieval Blacksmith

Scale: 1/10th

Material: Resin

No of Pieces: 5

Sculptor: Greeny Ahn

Box Art: Ki-Yeol Yoon

As with the others the parts were packed well in a bubble wrap bagBlacksmith 002.jpg , secured in a stout cardboard box with full colour box art on the top and the sidesBlacksmith 001.jpg ....the box needs to be strong as this sculpt pours out strength and muscle in feelings ..what did I expect ..a larger than life casting ...well thats what I got....... a really powerful sculpt totally in keeping with the subject .

The parts consist of the torso , the head , the right arm together with a small hammer handle and a base .
Blacksmith 003.jpg

Looking first at any prep on the torso ....just 3 small casting blocks to remove , 1 on the lower underside and teh other 2 under each arm ...snips or a very sharp modelling knife (be careful!!!) and then a bit of use of the sanding block.
Blacksmith 007.jpg Blacksmith 008.jpgBlacksmith 009.jpgBlacksmith 010.jpg
The torso is massive and so in keeping with the subject , showering the viewer with strength , all credit to Greeny for this ...a powerful sculpt you can almost feel the muscles straining while he is at work ..................

As with the previous releases sculpting is very tidy and tight , lovely and smooth in all area's .........
our subject........ lets call him Jakob wears a leather apron with a belt around his waist to hold his tools , a small hammer head is cast into one under which a recess for the handle is provided of this is very good .

Blacksmith 011.jpgBlacksmith 012.jpgBlacksmith 013.jpg
Around his shoulders he wears a hooded garment , great sculpting again on the textures and presentation of the clothing , folds are natural and well thought out .......why not give Jakob some sweat stains on his clothing when you paint.

The undersides has a recess for the base , this is a nice touch and provides a good area to hold the base in ..I again would still pin it ....peace of mind !!!Blacksmith 006.jpg

Looking at the head Blacksmith 024.jpg ..this is a man thick set in muscle tones on the neck and in the facial tones strong features are present all over the face cleanly sculpted and so full of character ..............
Blacksmith 020.jpgBlacksmith 022.jpgBlacksmith 021.jpgBlacksmith 023.jpg
There is a small plug to remove from the underside of the neck problem and a perfect fit into the neck area when done so .
Blacksmith 019.jpg

Jakob has worked hard to gain the respect in his village and profession producing top quality goods for all ...perhaps he has his only son who he looks after (since his beloved wife died in the recent plague) , training him hard to take over when he is no longer able to wield a hammer .

Now on to the arm , this is an expanse of pure muscle he wields a long handled hammer as if it was a small branch , many years at the forge has given him this strength , on his hand he has a thick leather glove , the
glove well well torn through constant use , the hammer handle has leather wraps around to help grip ..once this arm is in position (after removing the small casting plug you can almost feel the power in Jakob.

Sculpting is spot on again , lovely work on the glove and the muscle tones on the forearm , fingers are wrapped round tightly , the thickness of the glove offering protection to the heat and against burns , giving the fingers a thickness. into the shouder area is clean with a recess provided to meet the opposite .
Blacksmith 015.jpgBlacksmith 014.jpgBlacksmith 018.jpg Blacksmith 016.jpgBlacksmith 017.jpg
The small hammer handle has nice texture , fit is good onto the torso after cutting off the casting remnant from the top

The base works well , a few tiny air holes were found , easily filled by a quick wipe of putty ,, remove the casting plug from the undersides and there you have it .
Blacksmith 004.jpg
My thoughts on the blacksmith unusual subject and a great one IMO , well sculpted , well presented , great box art , the piece allows the painter to go to town on leather effects , , sweat stains as well as burn marks ...a really enjoyable painting process is assurred , at the end of it you have areally nice display piece .

Although it says Medieval , it could easily fit into Viking periods or Saxon IMO or even later than medieval .

I recommend this bust ...get it and enjoy yourself

TGB have El Greco and SK as suppliers in UK .

Thanks to TGB for the Review model and her's to the next from them .

If you need more info please contact :
[email protected]

...and thanks for visiting this thread .

Great review Kevin. I really like this piece. My great grandfather was a blacksmith and with just a little conversion I think I could convert this to a Victorian blacksmith. One for my wishlist.

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