Manfred von Richthofen
"The Red Baron"
1/6th scale (250 - 300 mm)
Sculpted by Mike Good
This is the 1st of 3 Mike Good / Model Cellar Productions I will be reviewing. An excellent bust sculpted in full likeness of the Baron Himself. The kit consists of 7 parts cast in yellowish resin with very light seam lines that scrape off with a knife.
This kit comes in a baggie wrapped in bubble wrap for protection.
Above we see the 4 different views of the head. The only seam line I saw was down the back of the neck.
Above is the hat which sits snuggly onto the head with no gap. Perfect fit.
Above is the head - hat - torso dry fitted together.
Above are 3 views of the torso / jacket. A locator lug is located to position the arm and hand correctly.
Above is the sleeve showing the inside lug for positioning and another photo of the hand showing positing location.
Above are the 4 views of the beautifully sculpted hands. The inside of the hand is done so well it is almost a shame you don't see it when the bust is finished.
Thanks for the review,Guy.
I think this is a great bust.I see what you mean about the arm V,but
the brilliant likeness captured by Mike Good overcomes that for me.
Looking forward to following Rocky's progress with this one.