The inspiration for this conversion comes from the Mike Blank's Lake Peipus diorama (take a look here). For the figure, I took a(nother) nice Mike Blank's sculpture, the Spanish Knight (54 mm) from Elite.
This is the figure as it comes from the box.
On the left the original (from Elite), on the right the accessories (from Pegaso).
First, the original head has been cutted off (without damaging it...) and replaced with Pegaso's helm.
The helm with the tiara used by Mike Blank (if I understand correctly) comes from a commercial piece, but I can't find it, so I've decided to make a new one. Modelling the bishop's Tiara is not as easy as it seems, it's almost impossible to do it in only one step, so I've started drawing the basic shape on a lead foil. When done with the adjustments, the shape has been passed on a thin sheet of plasticard, and moulded under a bulb lamp (using some water to cool down the pieces speeds up the process).
The first attempt with the scarf (using milliput) was really awful, so I decided to redo it (with magic sculpt).
There is a good sentence I read some time ago on this site, posted by John A. Wlas, "If the Medium does not fight is not Art". Seeing the pictures now, it seems really easy, but for me it was really hard. I spend one day thinking on how to do it. Sculpting from zero is almost impossible for me, while doing it directly with the plasticard was a nightmare, until the most basic idea appears from the void, a simple shape from foil... (sometimes a bit of zen thinking is really helpful...).
Here some view of the figure.
This is the figure as it comes from the box.
On the left the original (from Elite), on the right the accessories (from Pegaso).
First, the original head has been cutted off (without damaging it...) and replaced with Pegaso's helm.
The helm with the tiara used by Mike Blank (if I understand correctly) comes from a commercial piece, but I can't find it, so I've decided to make a new one. Modelling the bishop's Tiara is not as easy as it seems, it's almost impossible to do it in only one step, so I've started drawing the basic shape on a lead foil. When done with the adjustments, the shape has been passed on a thin sheet of plasticard, and moulded under a bulb lamp (using some water to cool down the pieces speeds up the process).
The first attempt with the scarf (using milliput) was really awful, so I decided to redo it (with magic sculpt).
There is a good sentence I read some time ago on this site, posted by John A. Wlas, "If the Medium does not fight is not Art". Seeing the pictures now, it seems really easy, but for me it was really hard. I spend one day thinking on how to do it. Sculpting from zero is almost impossible for me, while doing it directly with the plasticard was a nightmare, until the most basic idea appears from the void, a simple shape from foil... (sometimes a bit of zen thinking is really helpful...).
Here some view of the figure.