Guys please!, you get me blushing...
Yes!, I'agree about that red...!, but only because I must still paint the lights..., wait after the disaster before judging...! :lol:
Gino, I do not have a so large knowledge about bishops, but about the beautiful one from Pegaso, I think that so many crosses on the tunic and on the glooves are not 'realistic'. For what I see, there are more complicated drawings on such garments, while such standards (with the Christ) was usually used during the procession, not on the battle field.
Have you see the pictures of the Guglielmino degli Ubertini on this same thread ? It seems that the red was the usual colour (see also the notes by Toadlet), while his arms are really simple.
Look at the second picture of Guglielmino, the bishop with the knight. Using the Pegaso's bishop with the Tuscan knight (54-084) or the Last Templar (54-156), always from Pegaso, I think it could be easy to do a little conversion to reproduce the vignette.
Dan, you are going to be one of my preferred supporter...
Well, that red is just Cavalry Brown (982) with a bit of Carmine Red (908) and Black. The deepest shadow with Black with a bit of Cavalry Brown and the rest with Carmine Red with a bit of Cavalry Brown. Now for the lights, I have no idea of what I'll use...