I too like this site. However, one issue has not been addressed:
The modelers should be named!
Credit for photos would be a good idea too. These people worked hard to create the models and images which form the basis of your website. Your website could not exist without them. Giving credit for their efforts is the very least you could do.....
I too like this site. However, one issue has not been addressed:
The modelers should be named! Your website could not exist without them.
You are right but I think that you have not see the "virtual museum" with attention!!....For any photos (one to one!!!) there are the name of the sculptor, the name of the painter and if is it possible the name of the collector or the name of the productor....I hope that in the future you will see many masterpices with more attention.
It's the truth!!...Vithout this master it woluld be "nothing"....Excuse me for my bad english...
One more question: do you intend to do some selection of works that you will receive?
My question is because I see a museum aa a worship place, you do not think that only the best and only these should be present?
Thanks in advance.
congratulation ... what a crasy work you have done !!!