This will be controversial


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Guys, guys, it was meant as an overall joke towards the perspective of accepting ANY entries into a Show. I did not know that you were only referring to only English Shows as this is an international forum and I thought you were extending this suggestion to all Shows. It was not meant as an opinion as to whether or not to accept migrants.

Guys, guys, it was meant as an overall joke towards the perspective of accepting ANY entries into a Show. I did not know that you were only referring to only English Shows as this is an international forum and I thought you were extending this suggestion to all Shows. It was not meant as an opinion as to whether or not to accept migrants.


Don't worry Bob. I think what started out as a couple of humourous remarks had the potential to get out of hand but common sense prevailed before it did. :)
Proxy entries at shows :(

A lot of modellers go to some considerable expense to get to a show and enter competitions only to get pipped at the post by someone who cannot be arsed to show up.

For me its turn up and enter or don't bother

On a lighter note Ron, I myself have travelled to Euro from New Zealand, I took with me a figure for a friend as a proxy entry, this figure won a gold medal and I was very happy for him (I won a commended medal myself and was equally happy) He did not pip anyone at the post as even if he had been able to attend it still would have won gold, remembering that a model is judged on it's own merits regardless where from or how it got there and it is not judged against another model hence it cannot "pip" anything at the post. To finish, I hope to attend again at some time in the future, and yes I'll bring some "pips" to proxy enter............
As I said earlier its about home grown proxy entries who don't have to travel across the world to enter.
I know JB wo a Gold and have congratulated him on Facebook
IMHO it`s not about medals but models at shows. The more the merrier - so all kinds of migrant models are welcome. If present or not it`s more a matter of personality of some pro`s if you need to have each and every medal or to put your work just on display and give others the chance to compete. The same refers to "model-celebrities" that are accessible for other modellers at shows and like to share their knowledge and ...others.
Proxy entries at shows :(

A lot of modellers go to some considerable expense to get to a show and enter competitions only to get pipped at the post by someone who cannot be arsed to show up.

For me its turn up and enter or don't bother

Don't get it Ron, Surely the long travelled modeller will only get "pipped at the post" if the proxy modeller's work is better. Isn't that what matters?
Personally it matters not who wins, I usually have a look at the entries and leave the show well before the results are announced. The thread about this years BOS only goes to show that everyone has there own winners anyway.
Ah, what a great title! We are drawn to it, as moth to flame!

Sorry, I have to disagree with you, Ron. We offer absentee registrations at our show (MFCA), too, for the kinds of reasons others have already offered in defense of the practice. Generally, it's because the artist is unable to attend, for whatever reason. And I think the reaction of the crowd, whether artist or patron, is delight at seeing the piece in person, and good-natured sympathy for the person who couldn't be there in person.

Now, to win a raffle, sure, you should be present.

I said it would be controversial :) and nice to see all the different views but still think if you want to enter , make the effort to get there:rolleyes:
I think that the obvious answer is to allow proxy entries. Most, if not all, competitions anymore are judged with the open system. This means that you will not loose out on any awards at the cost of another.

I am all for seeing work from people that are unable to be there. I love to see world class models on the tables. Obviously it be best if artists are there so you can have a chat, but if the option is to have their figures there or not it's an easy choice.

I love when collectors bring pieces to shows. It allows us all to enjoy and learn from the pieces, and even better if they are from artists we don't get to see very often.
That was not the point Mark , A well known member from Japan made an extreme effort to get to Euro and if i were him I would be well upset if some local chap posted by proxy and and pipped at the post .
I am well aware of the vast distance some modellers would need to take , even further than your land :)
of which one done very well indeed this year .

If your talking about Euro Ron this wouldn't happen.Both of the entries would be judged on their own merit, and would be awarded what they deserve ,be it both getting Gold etc,etc,
On a lighter note Ron, I myself have travelled to Euro from New Zealand, I took with me a figure for a friend as a proxy entry, this figure won a gold medal and I was very happy for him (I won a commended medal myself and was equally happy) He did not pip anyone at the post as even if he had been able to attend it still would have won gold, remembering that a model is judged on it's own merits regardless where from or how it got there and it is not judged against another model hence it cannot "pip" anything at the post. To finish, I hope to attend again at some time in the future, and yes I'll bring some "pips" to proxy enter............

Well said ,and i totally agree .
I've used a proxy a couple of times at Euro,and as it happens did about average with the results,but my reason was so that people got to see my stuff, that they hadn't seen in the flesh.I just wish more painters did the same ,then we'd get to see more figures etc,.Winning medals and awards for any of my figures is really nice,but i say once again,i much prefer feedback from my peers,rather than 2 judges opinions.Makes sense to me anyway.