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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.
To all of you that are new to the hobby, please do not be afraid to post your questions, we have artists on this forum form every corner of our globe who are willing, capable and qualified to answer any questions you may have.
The Planet is a fountain of information, take advantage of it and start posting. ;)

Roc. :)
Hi Roc,

I'm posting, posting and posting. I'm sure I will drive someone crazy with all my questions one day, especialy now I have stuck it in my head that one day I have to be able to sculpt a descent figure.


Gino, believe me your questions are always welcome, as you know we have excellent sculptors who I'm sure will help you achieve your goal of sculpting a figure.
I have seen the Russian sniper in your work bench and you are definitely heading in the right direction, just be patient and continue to ask questions. ;)


Roc. :)
You are wright Rocco,

If i didn't ask so many questions here on the planet i never painted a figure as i doing now at the moment. But i have a long way ahead for me, but with all the encourage words here it makes me going.
Thanks to PF (and Gino) i had never discoverd this great hobby. Painting little man.
Thanks Rocco,

For putting out the invitation to all newbies and anyone that has a question. I know that I'm not the greatest painter, but I love painting these little men ( and sometimes women). And being able to have such a friendly, knowledgeable and experienced forum as this one is extremely helpful. I hope all newcomers use it to their advantage.

Brad Spelts
I am a new poster on PF... I've been recommeneded to this site from alot of people at I've really found the site very useful. I have been modeling for only 2 years, but very very new to figure modeling. I appreciate all the resources that you folks provide.
I always think as well that's it's important to remember that any topic on here can be read by anybody and that somebody somewhere will find the dicussion useful. Even though it may be about a problem that somebody dealt with ages ago, they'll probably be somebody else out there struggling with it.
With this hobby, you're aways learning. To me that's half the fun.
I new here and I've got some problems.
I'm playing Games Workshop games Warhammer and Mordheim, so I'm into 32mm(I am not sure about the scale, can anyone help?) sculpting. Although I'd like to do something bigger aswell, I have only Greestuff/kneadite putty, and not that much of it. I live in Estonia( where it's hard to find other sculpting materials :(. The only way I can get GS is only by mail order through Games Workshop.

I've gathered some tools I think will be useful and I'm ready to go. The major problem now is the skeleton.

Can some one give me right sized(for 32mm) skeleton drawings so I can start building :)?

Thanks In advance!
Egert(English prounanciation.. is wierd :D)

Sorry for my bad English!

I measured some models and seems the scale may be 28mm...
Hi, my name is Tom,
I've been modelling of a couple of years but I can't get my figures to look like the experienced modellers' figures. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on painting military figures. e.g What to do at the start and finishing the figure e.t.c.
I'd appreciate it, Thanks.
Welcome to the planet Tom. A couple of questions first.

1.) what kind of paint are you using now?

2.) what kind of brushes are you using?

You will get quite a few responses from painters after we know what you are using or prefer to use. The most important is practice......practice.......and more practice as all the methods take time to learn.

Originally posted by Aravos+Jun 29 2005, 07:20 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Aravos @ Jun 29 2005, 07:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I'm playing Games Workshop games Warhammer and Mordheim, so I'm into 32mm(I am not sure about the scale, can anyone help?) sculpting. [/b]

Tervist Egert, the primary scale for this kind of miniature is 28mm as you later measured.

Originally posted by Aravos@Jun 29 2005, 07:20 PM's hard to find other sculpting materials :(. The only way I can get GS is only by mail order through Games Workshop.
You might like to also try Magic Sculp, Apoxie Sculpt and Milliput, which all have their own character. A lot of Continental sculptors working in this area also use polymer clays that need to be hardened by baking in a cool oven (or boiling) the most popular probably being Fimo.

You can also blend Fimo with other putties (like green stuff) for a mixture of properties. You can read more about this on the forums on

Originally posted by Aravos@Jun 29 2005, 07:20 PM
I've gathered some tools I think will be useful and I'm ready to go. The major problem now is the skeleton.

Can some one give me right sized(for 32mm) skeleton drawings so I can start building :)?
Fantasy minis are not generally sculpted to be proportionally accurate like historical figures so directly reducing a standard anatomy drawing might not be the best starting point. I would suggest you line up a few of the commercial figures you already have and start sculpting by making reference to them.

Originally posted by Aravos@Jun 29 2005, 07:20 PM
Sorry for my bad English!
Don't worry, it's a lot better than our Estonian! :lol:

@Jul 27 2005, 09:42 AM
I've been modelling of a couple of years but I can't get my figures to look like the experienced modellers' figures. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on painting military figures. [/quote]
Hi Tom, your query is a little general, could you be more specific about any problems you're having?

so what the people who have tried and still get nowhere even do they have tried almost eveything and still trying like myself that is why my apartment is a mess.
so what the people who have tried and still get nowhere even do they have tried almost eveything and still trying like myself that is why my apartment is a mess.

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