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A Fixture
Oct 8, 2014
Some may recall that I posted a Thread 'Sod's Law' ( 28th May )In a nutshell I declined to renew my subscription to Military Modeling Mag and the last issue I received was full of great paint jobs of Busts and figures.

Well today I received a phone call from MMM (subscriptions) asking would I like to renew my subscription for another year for £47.00p. As I hadn't yet renewed. I declined and explained that the reason I had not renewed was because I was fed up with Tanks, Trucks , Lorries, and more Tanks.

She was very apologetic and stated if she could do anything she would but it was not in her remit. But would pass on my comments to the editor and publishers.


I had the same conversation about 3 years ago, and no it didn't make the slightest bit of difference to the content.
There was a number of complaints on the Mil Mod forum about the prevalence of figures in the Waterloo special.
It would be nice to be able to say I was surprised, but unfortunately I'm not. Maybe those of us into figure art should look for allies in other areas :(.
Best wishes, Gary.
Yes Gary 60%figs and 40% trucks would be good. I'LL leave it to you to get it sorted. If you could report back to committee when its sorted we would be obliged.(If we
are still alive that is.)

I read the comments after the waterloo special one plank stated on receiving his copy he flicked through it and decided it was a waste of money as there was nothing in it for him Say's it all. I believe it is getting worse and I have been told thjat figure painters who have a question posted on the forums are now being ignored. Is this as the knowledge has moved away are they being bitchie? I will say I have posted a few times and did get a helpful response.

As for the MVS your right every issue is one just regurgitating the same old stugs and tigers. I dont thick the publish the Figure Special any more.

That's my rant and rave over for the morning the wife can stop calling me Victor and I can get on with my Saturday Painting Figs.

( Quote). That's my rant and rave over for the morning the wife can stop calling me Victor

Mick, I am so glad that I am not the only one who suffers from this annoying title. However, I have developed a knack of pre-empting such a retort, before I finish. Which usually works with ok I won't.

But as she walks away! .... she usually says 'Albert'. :arghh:


Mark last year her indoors and I went on a 10 night rhine cruise, When we sat down for dinner that night with our other six table guests she introduced me as 'Victor' Well we had 10 min of victor quotes and jokes, then I told them my real name was mick and her indoors just calls me victor as I am a miserable git and wont suffer fools gladly There followed a very peaceful, quiet trip down the rhine. BLISS
Good for you Mick, it helps to get the message across.
But as Alex and I have stated without more folk writing figure articles its going to be a struggle.
We did put out feelers on this forum for some assistance in producing more articles, but sadly we've had no one come forward.
So unless this changes the chance of seeing figure articles making a comeback in MM just isn't going to happen.
I'd say there's only about half a dozen of us writing articles, and to keep you all happy, we'd have to write and article on every piece we paint, and knock it out monthly.
That's a big ask.

Malc - are you seriously telling us that the format change in MM is a result of no figure-related articles being available...... i.e. that it is our fault for not supporting the hobby press? I am pretty sure it was a serious editorial decision to shun the figure reading market - why else no show reports, no Euro special etc. They have made their decision and can draw the consequences. The odd figure article plopped in to help the tankies with their dios is not going to get me to part with $15 a month. I can get better content with spending five minutes here. Sorry to sound bitter but it was such a great magazine in its day and the editors have abandoned us.
Malc. I think we have got to the what comes first the chicken or the egg . Alas in all honesty the only thing I could contribute would be my £47.00 as my skills and knowledge are not suficiente to be put into print and I believe that goes for a great number of people on this forum. I do believe the editors/ publishers could do a hell of a lot more to accommodate figure painters. Even down to a beginners corner, Uniform articles. You know as well as the rest of us there is more to figure painting than putting brush to figure, you also need to know what colour to use. Anything to attract us back. After all there must be an awful lot of £47.00 out there.
But Thank , you and the other handful of people trying to keep us happy. But if MM want us back they will have to do a bit more.


I agree, the mag has a long,long way to go to get back to anywhere near where it was.
You mention uniform articles, like the ones the Fosten brothers used to produce, but no one seems interested in producing them nowadays.
Articles apart from the norm, beginners corner, a very good idea.
With Euro approaching lets hope the Editor goes on a recruiting drive.

Drop me a pm, on the type of articles you think would be helpful to you and others, and I'll see what I can organise.

How would this work? 'The Euro-Militare'. Special edition, was dropped. I very much doubt that 'MMM', or 'MI', will pick up the slack!

Is it a question of numbers? 10 AFV, painters, to one figure painter.? what sells?


Last years Euro MM was pretty much taken up by the show, not the full special, but a good start.
Hoping we can get the same coverage or more this year.
I know that nice Mr Hopwood will have me working my butt off, getting the figures to be photographed. ( Violins) No piece for the wicked.:(
You're bang on with the numbers, when Kelvin took over he was swamped by folk asking to write AFV articles.
Unfortunately that didn't happen with the figure painters.
Personally I think dropping the Euro Special was a huge mistake, it had to be one of their biggest sellers, as it covered all aspects of the hobby.
Figurines are the only other mag that cover the show, but it was never as good the MM special.
