A Fixture
I am digging through my stash to update my FS/T list and have come across four very OOP Hecker/Goros figures. I think I have had these in my grey army since the early to mid 1990s. Three of the four are in the original packaging w/ header card, the 4th is simply in a zip bag with the box art. On the three in the original packaging are the item numbers (which judging from the H/G website has become another series) and the titles of the figures. Judging from the costumes (lederhosen, etc.) and my very rusty highschool German, I know that they are some kind of mountain troops. Since two of the figures have 98k rifles, I assume they are from 1900 to 1945. All google searches have come up blank. I will appreciate any help identifying these figures (information below).
BHG 4A Gebirgsschutzenkompanie Benediktbeuern Officer
BHG 6 Gebirgschutzenkompanie Schliersee Pionier
BHG 10 no title-- soldat?
???? no title-- soldat?
Thank you in advance.
BHG 4A Gebirgsschutzenkompanie Benediktbeuern Officer
BHG 6 Gebirgschutzenkompanie Schliersee Pionier
BHG 10 no title-- soldat?
???? no title-- soldat?
Thank you in advance.