Review Trumpeter 4th LD Crimea from Model Cellar Productions


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Welcome to this review,

We have all seen the previous releases from Model Cellar that were sculpted by Mr Steve Leadley (Valiant on PF) .....

......well we have another from that illustrious workbench .....

....still in the Crimean period to compliment the other releases .....

....the subject being a member from one of the regiments that took part in the charge into the mouth of the Russian guns at Balaclava....a Trumpeter from the Lt Dragoons.

N 116.jpg

Lets have a little background on the dragoons from this period in history immortalised by the poets of the time:

The dragoons were brigaded into the Light Brigade which took part in the charge alongside Hussars and Lancers:

Facing colours consisted of Red for the 3rd/4th,14th LD with the 13th wearing buff which in reality was virtually white .

Uniforms consisted of a blue double breasted jacket , 2 rows of 8 pewter (for other ranks)buttons , with the facing colour being seen on the collar, cuffs and turnbacks with the 4th having yellow lace around the top and front collar edges.

Trumpeters had piping in the facing colour the 4th having an additional trefoil knot above each cuff ( ref "Into the Valley of Death by J & B Mollo 1991), there are no confirmed reports f crossed trumpet badges being worn.

A girdle was worn in yellow woven webbing with 2 narrow red strips, fastened at the side by toggles and cords.

The shako in the charge was covered in a black oilskin cover with the shako cords being seen worn over this .

Trousers were blue with a double yellow stripes for the 4th and the 13th having white, in Mach 1854 the 13th were issued experimental gray overalls these also had the white stripes.

Trumpet cords were normally in the facing colour sometimes a mix of red and yellow in the case of the 4th.

As in any campaign the British soldier often deviated from the regulations ,uniforms wore out particularly in the rough Crimean conditions.

There were of course survivors from the charge some have been recorded on their return using the new method of photography amongst them:

James Olley:

3 (James Olley LD).jpg

and Frederick Peake:

6 (FredericK Peake 13LD).jpg

The Crimean period references are plenty with available to the military researcher and modeller. this is one of my favourites :

Let us look at what Model Cellar have released:

Title: Trumpeter 4th Light Dragoons Crimea 1854

Scale: 120mm

Reference: MC 120B08

Material: Cream Resin

No of parts: 4

Sculptor: Steve Leadey

Box Art: Dan Capuano

Casting: Paul from Model Cellar

As with others from this range (which I believe will have a total of 13 in) the parts were well packed in a bag with this surrounded by foam chippings . the parts consist of the main torso(with head) the peak, the trumpet and the base .
N 116.jpgMC 1  box.jpgMC1  Packing.jpg
N 117.jpg

The box has a front view of a painted model by Dan with a smaller rear view being seen on one of the sides ...good reference point.

What is needed before priming prep whatsoever apart from washing to remove any release agent, then fit the peak and the trumpet if you wish (be careful with this as its very delicate) , then ft the base to the underside.

This quality of casting is a pat on the shoulder to Paul , I know this something that he is passionate about and it shows .

Looking first at the main piece of Resin , we find our trumpeter wearing the foul weather cover over his shako with the cords worn over , surface definition is good as seen in period photos, with the cords looking the part around the body of the shako, chin scales are worn with the boss pieces being seen at the lower edge of the shako (these were in the shape of a lions head)
N 119.jpg
N 121.jpg
N 120.jpg
N 122.jpg
The peak is well shaped , careful with that glue though use a cocktail stick to position the glue avoid getting any on the fits well to the shako and looks good .
N 123.jpg
Moving on to the face this is career soldier sporting a fine beard under his chin scales(these sit just under his lower lip) , nice work on the facial hair , facial features are good with a well sculpted nose , ears and eyes are in keeping with this quality.
N 124.jpg
The collar is high and proud(he would have had a stock worn under it..according to regulations!!!) the edging lace is well set , this will make painting a lot easier .. working down the jacket we see the 8 buttons in 2 separate rows, slightly getting closer towards the bottom , totally in scale , well rounded, the folded over plastron edge is well lined with nice undercuts at the side..

No shoulder scales were worn at the charge we have the retaining loops in place , across his chest we see he trumpet cords and the shako cords positioned round his neck with the "olives" hanging down again well sculpted.
N 125.jpg
Arms are as others in the series angled towards the waist with smoothly done folds in the cloth .

At the front lower we have the girdle the stripes are very well done with good separation between each one , I particularly like the way the front angles looks very effective.

On the back we see the shako cords hanging looped with the piping on the jacket well defined again making painting a lot simpler , we also see the ends of the trumpet cords ready to receive it (when dry testing the fit was good)N 126.jpg

The trumpet itself ( and it is a trumpet and not a bugle) is very delicate , totally in scale .. with the cord tassels hanging correctly in position when fitted to the back) ...a real credit to the sculpting and the casting .....(I wonder how many times this broke coming out!!!!...well done Paul for this piece)
N 118.jpg
9 Trumpet.jpg

this is a bugle:
8 BUGLE.jpg

Finally we have the base , this is a stylish piece , the same as the others in the range so in keeping if you choose to use it .
MC 1 Base.jpg
Lets have a couple of pictures of Dan's box art:


Final Thoughts:

This is another little cracker to add to the range , as with the others full of character, really good sculpting , with quality casting in every respect , The series makes for a good 'study" of the Crimean conflict, and due to the size take up little display space in the cabinet but are large enough to increase your painting skills , they can be quickly finished producing a fine display.

Another good addition well produced with good presentation and box art and a reasonable price as well ...I look forward to seeing the remaining pieces from Model Cellar.

Thanks to Paul for the Review sample and of course to you all for looking in

For more details on this and other models that Model Cellar have in their ranges go to the website:


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