A Fixture
Its a very delicate organ... sorry...delicate matter! One must handle it with care.
Joking aside, I just had an audacity to ask the question about historical reference on TURN's official Facebook page...
I must admit I failed to resist pointing out resemblance to a male reproductive organ (in most polite and scientific terms)
Rather surprisingly, my post was removed within 2 minutes, but may be they will send me a PM. I will let you know as soon as I hear more... I can't wait, I am so excited...
Does anyone know if the epaulettes are HISTORICALLY CORRECT? Everyone knows that it is the important thing. Perhaps the term rivet counting should be changed to nut counting for this example.
It's really hard for me
I am battling every impulse to take this thread to the very boundries of tastelessness... my inner voice is screaming at me to to keep my filth to myself.
It's really hard for me