Completed U S Para Normandy 1944 120mm


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Hello Folks
Just an update in respect of availability of this figure.
Anyone who has pre ordered the figure and does not receive an invoice by Monday please send me a reminder.
I will also have a few available for the South Cheshire Show this Sunday so if anyone would like to reserve one for collection please let me know.
Gordon, can you please put one of these to one side for me at Crewe? I will collect in the afternoon.

Is there a dealer in the US that will be handling this figure and is there another figure going along with this one as assistant gunner?
chuck robinson at the red lancer should be having some and yes there is another figure, he will have the tripod, should be ready in a few eeks.
thanks Moz
Really nice, but why not have thought to do it again in 75mm?
It would have been a much more commercial scale ..... at least for my taste!:whistle:
I fully agree with your opinion .... I love this period of history but are few subjects in 75mm ..
However, this remains a soldier very very nice!
Congratulations ..
Gordon, thanks for the figure that I collected from you at Crewe

Couldn't resist a closer look in the car park after I left you, and it looks even better than Initially thought!! Probably the best figure that I've bought in a couple of years.

Many thanks.