Hi all , I've just finished this. As always painted with Vallejo acrylics , some air brushing and weathered with pigments for a dusty look .
Hope you like him , please feel free to comment good or bad .
Thanks Sam
I really like this bust and think you did a great job painting it! The leather straps look excellent too.
The figure looks to be more Infantry then Cavalry as denoted on the kepi. However, the Cavalry (dismounted) has fought as Infantry in some cases.
I still think you did a great job on the figure!!
I would change the kepi insignia for an infantry bugle, and repaint the hair (an enlisted man old enough to have grey hair would probably be discharged) and yes add some more color to the cheecks. Overall, I really like what you have done with this though. I have this bust in my grey army and you have inspired me.
Nice one for all your comments guys , I thinks I will add a little red to the cheeks but I will leave the hair as is .... just want to move on to the next figure now , you know how it is .
Thanks Sam