Jose, I don't believe you have a recast bust. A re-cast would have been significantly cheaper, the seller would have at least some negative feedback from other buyers who were also stung and the description does mention the item is " in factory bags with instruction sheet, no box". Also the sellers other items all seem to be legitimate original pieces to me. Usually a recaster will have many copied items for sale at the same time. On another point, a re-caster is unlikely to give you several close-up detailed pictures of the item. So it looks fine to me. But having said that I'm not familiar with that bust and can't confirm the quality of the cast. Also there is no way of knowing ( if you're not familiar with this piece ) whether this is a case of a legitimate seller re selling a re-cast......but still, if I was buying this item I'd probably do so with confidence.
Someone here with first hand experience with this bust might be able to add to this....cheers.