Hi to one and all
As I said in my last look at a RP release ...Hugo and the team have been busy ....this time we are off to a battle famous for the main combatants.....George Custer being one ......he had several friendly Indian Scouts working with his troops including the subject of this release .
Announced by Hugo here : https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/us-cavalry-indian-scout-curley.665212/
I will do the actual 1/12th bust first then show the additional pieces included to make a full figure in both 120 and 75mm
Being a 3D sculpt the items in the bust have been scaled down accordingly and are all exactly the same but of course smaller .....but no difference in the quality or details seen on the bust
A little about Curley ( sometimes spelt without the “e” ), he was from Crow race and his Indian name was
Ashishidhe .
He’s said to be the only survivor of the actual battle of Little Big Horn but it’s said he denied actually seeing the fighting ......a man of mystery , perhaps the truth is lost in the sands of time .
Indian Scouts were tough fighters , often wearing a mix of both Indian and US Army clothing , not keen on discipline with their loyalty in doubt at times
Some good books to read up on
References used by the sculpting team @ RP

Reference used by the sculpting team @ RP
Cavalry Guidons , the first being Custer’s HQ , the second the US flag
The Little Big Horn ....artists impression
Continued in next post
As I said in my last look at a RP release ...Hugo and the team have been busy ....this time we are off to a battle famous for the main combatants.....George Custer being one ......he had several friendly Indian Scouts working with his troops including the subject of this release .
Announced by Hugo here : https://www.planetfigure.com/threads/us-cavalry-indian-scout-curley.665212/
I will do the actual 1/12th bust first then show the additional pieces included to make a full figure in both 120 and 75mm
Being a 3D sculpt the items in the bust have been scaled down accordingly and are all exactly the same but of course smaller .....but no difference in the quality or details seen on the bust
A little about Curley ( sometimes spelt without the “e” ), he was from Crow race and his Indian name was
Ashishidhe .
He’s said to be the only survivor of the actual battle of Little Big Horn but it’s said he denied actually seeing the fighting ......a man of mystery , perhaps the truth is lost in the sands of time .
Indian Scouts were tough fighters , often wearing a mix of both Indian and US Army clothing , not keen on discipline with their loyalty in doubt at times

Some good books to read up on

References used by the sculpting team @ RP

Reference used by the sculpting team @ RP

Cavalry Guidons , the first being Custer’s HQ , the second the US flag

The Little Big Horn ....artists impression

Continued in next post