US Navy Seal Afghanistan 2005
1/10th scale resin - 19 parts
Sculpted & Painted by Young B. Song
This month's release from Young Miniatures depicts a US NAvy Seal in Afghanistan back in 2005. 19 parts including copper wire with the bust cast in a light yellow / cream resin. Sculpted and painted by Young B. Song.
Arriving in Young Miniature's traditional sturdy black box with all parts sandwiched between layers of foam. The small parts along with the copper wire comes sealed inside a zip-lok bag for protection in shipping. The above bottom photograph shows the parts laid out for inspection from the box.
Above you see various views of the separate cast head. A casting block will have to be removed prior to fitting down into the neck of the bust.
Saw this when first released, ummed and ahhhed about it, now I am convinced that this will be added to my collection, thanks for a great product review and photos.