Using Andera White Paint set?


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Active Member
Apr 20, 2012
Sacramento, Ca
Have any of used this paint set to paint white robes? I'm painting a Romeo Crusader Knight, I'm having difficultly understanding how using this paint set will give me a dirty white battle damage robe? The base and two of the highlights are in the light green/gray range. It would seem to me I should be using a earth tone (brown/cream) to start with. Have any of used this set to paint a white Templar robe?

I unfortunately haven't used the Andrea white set, so I can't answer your question exactly. But, looking at the colors I would agree with you that a brown/cream tone would be a better place to start. I painted a Templar robe two months ago and the colors I used were:

Deepest Shadow: German Cam Black Brown (822) and German Cam Beige (821)
Shadow: German Cam Beige (821) and Deck Tan (986)
Base: Deck Tan (986)
Highlight: White Grey (993) and Deck Tan (986)

All were vallejo, so that's what the numbers correspond to. You can take a look at the figure on by vBench Works in Progress (the link on the left under my name) to see if the end result is close to what you're looking for. You can still use some of the Andrea white set, but I'd mix in some brown and beige into the shadows and perhaps a touch in the base as well.
Have any of used this paint set to paint white robes? I'm painting a Romeo Crusader Knight, I'm having difficultly understanding how using this paint set will give me a dirty white battle damage robe?
That's one of the problems with a set like this, it tends to be geared towards one type of effect.

Anyway, you could paint the thing clean and then weather it selectively on top with glazes, stippling, spattering etc. Although these days some modellers paint directly for a dirty/weathered effect many painters still do it on top of a clean paintjob, more or less.

I just posted on the painting forum a 90mm Andrea figure using the white Paint set! I mixed earth tones into the whites while painting and finished with pigments. Any questions - just send me a note.
Yes dave great looking figure.

I see this white set is more for a cool white color value. I experimented with a mix of Ivory, English Uniform and speck of black. It's looking better, I will post when I'm happy the end results. This is my first figure so know I will learn allot from this process. Thanks for all your input.

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