Evan August
Well-Known Member
I decided to get some Vallejo paints, and I recieved them today. What do you guys use to clean your brushes when you're done painting for the day? Water, or any special thinner/cleaner? Thanks.
Roy,Originally posted by Roy@Apr 12 2005, 05:17 AM
...and leaves them conditioned as well I think.
:lol:I reckon that more than once, I've been tempted to use it on my own hair ... well, what's left of it.
Dave, I wouldn't recommend using solvents this strong on high-quality rounds, it will dramatically shorten their useful life. For removing acrylic and vinyl paint residue methylated spirits, isopropyl alcohol, acetone or ammonia (sceen wash also works well apparenty) are strong enough and in addition to being a lot less damaging to the bristles they also aren't solvents for the lacquer - it's really annoying if any splashes onto the handle as it ruins the smooth finish!Originally posted by Figure Mad@Apr 12 2005, 08:47 AM
I tend to also clean my sable brushes in cellulose thinners as this gets rid of any small amounts of paint right at the base of the hairs near the grip, this is done not very often. I do 5 at a time, then wash them in warm soapy water right away, the thinners will not affect the sable brushes but may affect the nylon brushes, if you use any......?
Hehe, it's supposed to be a Wyandot, guess I need to work on the nose and cheekbones a bit :lol:Originally posted by garyjd@Apr 14 2005, 04:29 PM
Nice punk rocker avatar!~Gary