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I got mine a couple of weeks ago, I don't think you'll be too disappointed!!
The fit between the right hand & wrist is a bit dodgy though, I just put some milliput over it & sculpted a simple wrist-band.

Thanks Simon,
I remember you saying that before and will look at mine when it comes in. I ordered 4 kits and they should arrive while I am off the next couple of days. I like anything Celtic and I see they have quite a few in their line.

Guy (y)
Yeah, there's a lot in their range that I've got on my "wants" list!
I have to say that I was a bit disappointed when I found a picture of their "Cuchulain" (The Hound of Ulster) figure though. I read quite a lot about him when I was younger (just part of a small obsession with all things Celtic at the time! - OK not that small - quite a large obsession really if you count buying a wall map of Europe & plotting the spread of the Tribes ) and I'm not sure the figure captures the character the way I'd imagined him! (Maybe he should be my next scratchbuild? hmmmm....there's a thought! :) )
I'm sure it's a great figure in it's own right, but it just doesn't "say" Cuchulain to me :(

(I suppose my avatar sort of gives it away as well doesn't it?!)
Hello Simon,

My kit of Time Machine's, Vercingtorix came in the mail today. You were right, a real gem. Rather small for a 54mm but the detail is wonderful. I also got Elite's 54mm Mongol warrior which in contrast is a large 54mm, (62mm measured). It also is very well detailed. I also got the Korean Kit "The General Of Chosun" which is 90mm or larger and comes in white resin. Nice looking kit.

Guy (y)

I thought you might like it! I've finally started putting some paint on mine (while I wait for my local hobby shop to re-stock with Milliput :angry: )
This is going to be my first attempt at acrylics since I got back into figures! - not the flesh though! I've only just got the oils to a point where I'd be happy to let others see it whilst still developing my skills! (still to find the "right" mix though!) maybe that's an ideal time to switch though? before I get too stuck in my ways?.....Maybe on the next one!

Perhaps we could do a small "group paint" with this one

Actually, that's not that silly an idea?! ................hmmmmm, maybe someone should pose that question on the General forum!?!
