Verlinden December releases.


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A Fixture
Dec 29, 2003
Philadelphia, PA.

200 mm. resin

54mm 10 Inch Heavy Seacoast Howitzer Gun Emplacement.

Hmmm...Something looks weird about the German, like maybe his legs are too small for the body? Or the waist is too low? Just looks weird too me for some reason.
I see what you guys are talking about, I suspect it is likely the angle of the shot as we are looking down on him slightly. At least I hope that's the case! At 200mm it would be a BIG error for the proportions to be outa-whack! I would like to see more angles personally, before passing a final verdict.......

Jay H.
I'm afraid this piece seems to be nothing more than a "Frankenstein" piece of some of its old pieces. Typical ...
Maybe it is a Frankenfigure, because it looks to me like , the upper part of the figure is a completely different scale (too big) to what the legs are. Whatever the case, it certainly looks strange.
While I would do a bit of research on the emplacement, the artillery piece is very neat. Verlinden has produced a number of coastal/fortification type artillery pieces that look to be very interesting.~Gary

Thats one of biggest gripes with some figures, the way the weap is handled, you treat your weapon with respect after all it may just save your life.

i wonder if it comes from sculptors having not served and even reenactors ( figures are modelled on the pics from books) who although they have carried the weapon haven't had that hammered home to look after the weapon. I saw some reenactors who just didnot look comfy with thier weapons.

Originally posted by Robin@Nov 3 2005, 06:23 AM
i wonder if it comes from sculptors having not served and even reenactors ( figures are modelled on the pics from books) who although they have carried the weapon haven't had that hammered home to look after the weapon. I saw some reenactors who just didnot look comfy with thier weapons.

Robin, I have to agree. Look at the numbers of WW2 images, there is definitely no lack of them. As for reenactors, yeah there are a lot of guys that do not look too comfy with their weapons. Another thing is period films. One movie that I thought the extras handled their weapons terribly in is "The patriot". it never fails that in almost every scene where muskets are fired almost every man looks away from their musket while firing. Those weapons suffered from lack of accuracy to begin with without adding the factor of not looking at what you're firing at. I just don't understand why a company would use figure parts/pieces over and over again to make up a new kit.They just do not look right, putting a large portion of a figure with another that it was not originally intended for. I understand the obvious that it may save money, but do they sell enough to make money in the long run?~Gary
Robin and Gary

Yes, weapons is a soap-box issue with me. I've just received the new Andrea French Revolutionary infantryman. Nice casting but the musket is a completely different scale to the rest of the piece - far too small and generic. I agree Gary, that this mix 'n match method of producing "new" figures is a major let-down, and even the "better" manufacturers are guilty of it. Often "stock" parts, expecially weapons will be supplied to sculptors to work on a new piece and these will sometimes be inappropriate in period, scale and type. Cue the confusion between percussion and flint longarms recently highlighted by yourself I think.

Sad thing is, a lot of figure painters out there don't know what's right, and some of 'em don't care either. If this hobby is about historical accuracy (and I for one think it is) then we should be more critical not only of anatomical and uniform details, but in the depiction of weaponry too.

That's just my two cents worth! :)



After handling weapons it goes through me a bit too, when they don't quite look right and the scale is off, and the type wasn't used.

gary I know what you mean about films, one of the best films for weapons handling is Private Ryan, the way they move is kewl too (my only crit would be I wouldn't have been walking around in them open spaces as they did).

Sculptors should remeber the weight of weapons and what they do, I think some see them as accessories rather than the reason the guy is there in the first place, first and foremost a soldier is a weapons platform.

My first reaction to the German was "yawn", but now that I notice the the flaws so expertly pointed out on this site, I REALLY think this figure sucks. :(