The 90mm Roman figure looks pretty darn good. Anybody know the price for it?
The Omaha Beach "dio" is questionable, at best. First, Belgian hedgehogs and stakes were not placed so close to log ramps. The first "row" of obstacles were element C gates, followed by log ramps, hedgehogs, and then stakes; these were spaced out as well so as to cover the beaches as best as possible (ref: "Spearheading D-Day" by J. Gawne). Second, what's up with the guy squatting in front of the log ramp? He sort of looks like he's taking a dump. The "running GI" (at least he appears to be running) seems out of place right next to the ramp.
Maybe it's just me, but I get the distinct impression that some of their recent 1/35 releases (particularly their WWII figures) are nothing more than repackaged and/or slightly modified versions of prior releases. Kudos, though, for their conversions sets since this keeps us from having to cannibalize other kits for spare parts. I might pick some of these sets up in Atlanta.