Vikings shields references needed


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Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2019
Hi everyone!

I'd like to sculpt a shield for one of my next projects and I'm trying to find some good references about how Vikings shields were manufactured.. size, shape, material, colors, etc.. ( I mean other than the tv-series.. those are funny but maybe not too accurate sometimes...)

Thanks in advance for any heads up!

Take care,
Hey @Richie thanks! But may I ask.. your signature is because you are that Richie from 1879?? I’m just starting assembling the Herja bust that I bought last year eventually! ABABF8E2-6482-48E4-B8AE-BC2BBA5E192F.jpeg
Put a curve on it.

All Large body shield we have are curved.

Curves deflect a blow. Flats knock the thing away from your body.

As peter Connolly once said to me. Never ask a reenactor if you want facts.
Put a curve on it.

All Large body shield we have are curved.

Curves deflect a blow. Flats knock the thing away from your body.

As peter Connolly once said to me. Never ask a reenactor if you want facts.

Still banging that drum I see, as I have shown you on numerous occasions you're talking rot. A flat shield is ideal for use in the shield wall. I'm sure all the re-enactors will be glad to be dismissed by a bloke on the internet claiming things. Especially as on an earlier Roman topic you stated how you spent a weekend debunking Peter Connollys theories and denouncing him as a showman, yet now you're citing him as an expert.
Hi everyone

Certainly a interesting subject , we see some amazing designs ranging from simple wood to quite fancy all working well with the figure they are with

Good references particularly the way shields were put together

Thanks for supporting FOTM Ale

Happy benchtime

Put a curve on it.

All Large body shield we have are curved.

Curves deflect a blow. Flats knock the thing away from your body.

As peter Connolly once said to me. Never ask a reenactor if you want facts.

Yet again you allude to this elusive curved viking shield. I am genuinely interested in seeing any evidence./ facts.
Still waiting for the references requested by myself and others in previous posts.
I'm prepared to concede that norse members, along with other nationalities, of the varangian guard might well have been issued with them but would be next to useless for the type of raiding and combat vikings engaged in.
I wouldn't want to get in between a huge ego and the practical evidence of artifact and empiricism,
but on a purely practical point of using the thing in combat?

Erm why would you even want to absorb a blow you could deflect and thus go on the attack ?

Gimme a flat one baby.
I remember Sovereign amaking some years agi in 75mm
All details apparents on helmet, belt buckle, mask, shield were made according to the discovery of the Sutton Hoo burial place

Photo 5.png

Simply enter this on google ( Sutton Hoo Viking ) you have lot of pictures of the actual thinks and lot of explanatory links hoo viking&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiO_fit0NTrAhWFG-wKHfAUAHgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=sutton hoo viking&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQEzIECAAQE1DtJVj6K2CRMmgAcAB4AIABOIgBZJIBATKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=EONUX461LYW3sAfwqYDABw&bih=529&biw=1143

On a big scale or a bust wooow

You can even find a replica to enjoy the details