Visual Dictionary


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Jim Patrick

Active Member
Dec 21, 2003
El Paso TX
Back at World Expo, I had a very nice discussion with Andrew Dobrovolskyy of 1st Guards Miniatures and Alexandre Khokhriakov both of whom are some very talented Russians living in Canada. More to follow soon on 1st Guards but it was my conversation with Alex that really interested me. He told me of a new concept that he and a friend were working on called a Visual Dictionaryof Weapons and Uniforms. He told me he'd send me a sample to share here on the planet and here it is. First up is a sword. Here you can see that every part is broken down and named in French, English and Russian. The example provided is in Russian but of course can be easily done in English as well. I personally think this has a lot of possibilities and am anxious to see what the future holds in this line from Alex. The picture is much clearer than this. I just had to shrink it down to fit your screen.
Tell Alex (Fantomas) what you guys think.

Jim Patrick

Excellent reference Alex..............I personally would like to see more done on different weapons.

Thanks for posting Jim
It would a valuable tool foe those wanting to make a weapon or sculpt a figure. Having the actual measurements would allow the modeller to scale the piec up or down dependind on the scale they are working in. It would also be important to show as many views as possible. A musket or cartridge box would require this. Great idea.~Gary
I,too, ABSOLUTELY agree with all the rest;a visual dictionary of weapons and uniforms,with multiple views of each item represented will be a GREAT help for modellers and painters alike !! I'll definitely be looking forward to it becoming a reality soon. Cheers !
Jim is this going to be a publication or is going to be a website? if this come as book I think that the price would be too high(but I'm personally willing to pay for it), how ever it come, this would be helpfull for those of us, who need some help scultping or simple try to know more about our favorite historical period.

Looking forward to the finish work,
Eduardo Tellez.
Hello guys,

Jim Patrick presented me, but he did not know the second author of this dictionary: Sergei Zlobov. He is sculptor and graphic artist. I took care of linguistic part and he was responsible of lay-out.

At the beginning, we decided to creat a visual dictionary for fellow Russian modelers, because many of them have access to books in english or French, but do not speak any of these languages. But it seems that such a dictionary could be interested to all modelrs. In the futur, we wil present you with more weapons, armor and later, with different uniforms.

Here are few links about Sergei's sculptings. Everything is in Russian, but you should click on pictures, you want regret it.
Thanks for the link Alex........he does some awesome work. The last link showing the Indians.......started drooling when I saw them. Would love to have a casting of one of them to paint. Beautiful work.
Me too, I offered him whatever he wanted to have a copy of a figure, was destroyed during the casting process. This is a bad news. A good news that he is presently working on a new Indian. If you want, I may ask his to do a SBS.
Hello Alex,

Like every TRULY great idea, it's so simple and obvious (y) and leaves each of us wondering 'why the heck didn't I think of it first'?

I also agree with Guy concerning Sergei's Indians. They're mouth-watering. Slurp! :lol:


Quang :)
Thanks Alex. How would I go about getting one of Sergei's figures? Does he sell them commercially? Would appreciate some help if you can.
He created three figures for 1st Guards, but they are not Indians: two medieval figures -54mm and 90mm Jeann D'Arc.

As long as I know, all his Indians are unique figures. Sorry.