Vlad Tepes "The Impaler" Bust


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Metal Extremo

A Fixture
Jun 28, 2014
I'm gonna try to make a WIP with this bust.

It's a 1:12 bust from Aurea Domus Miniatures. Very good sculpt and cast in resin, and the price is cheap, so recommended it. Gonna paint the historic character, not the literarian/cinematographic one

After the tipical preparation and prime, it's time to profrane this wonder. I use to begin with eyes at figures and busts, cause i can't paint them before finish the face without destroy the previous work, so with flesh tone arround them to limitated, begin to paint. After one hour and a too much touches with the brush, are finished.

Suicide zoom

I'm very lazy, and don't want to think in mixes to the flesh, so limited metals with black and paint gold with Kokolo gold. At the same time give varnish to the eyes.

With oils made shadows to the gold. When is dry gold says me that needs more contrast. I'll do it in the next step. Finally i can't delay the flesh more, and go with it. Lights and shadows.

The face isn't ended, but is avanced. Needs some highlight puntual, tones, beard shadow... but the basic is done to put the details. I like the paint, cause in my opinion the face of arrogant and energic is here.

Suicide zoom again

Of course, music for ambientation is important. So, during this sessions, was sounding Marduk at speakers, wiht an album relationatied with the character that is being painted. Nightwing. In special this song (note: this song must be heared with the volumen at least at 5 over 10. If you don´t have neighbors or don't care about them, put it higher :D The mine hate me a lot)

Dreams of Blood and iron:
The ravagings through his homeland gave the dragon the realm of Sebes
By saving his people from the turks and powers fatal to the flesh
But the turkish sultan Murad saw this as a treason to their deal
And swore to his god that one day the dragons fate he would seal
Across the donau with peace in mind the three of them ride
Dracul his father and brother was captured on the floods other side
The dragon swore his soul to the turkish realm of the sand
And left his sons to their fate in the infidel muslim land

As time went by Dracul for humans grew a great disgust
Aswell as expiering the pleasures of the harems
sinful lust
Decietfulness , intrepidity and cruelty would become his name
Man or beast, muslim or christian it would all be the same
Brother Radu won the hearts of the turks and become Murads own son
While Vlad's powerful innerself would make him king in the long run
But as thunderbolt from clearblue sky
Message that father Dracul had died

Words have arrived that brother Mircea has been captured and buried alive
Dracul swore that his killer, Hunyadi, wouldn't be able to survive
Along with the turks he turned against the first goal he could see
The wallachian throne ruled by pro-hungarian family Danesti
Two months later Dracul was cast out from rule
By conspiering forces who feared the lion and desired a mule
In fear of the turks and his fathers hungarian slayers
He fled to Moldavia and hoped that lord Bogdan would answear to his

Lord Bogdan of Moldavia has fallen from rule in a pool of blood
Assassinated by rivalry powermongers to the fathersbrother of prince Vlad
Strengthened by promises of his cousins blood and steel
Dracul now will force his opponents to before him kneel
His fathers and brothers killers trust he now will earn
The realm of Transilvania awaits with fear his return
With twenty thousand crusaders he will drive poles through
Every follower of Danesti ruler Vladislav II
The face will not be touched again till mouth, lips and hair aren't painted and give me a global vision of the whole
Great bust and great painting.
I would like to recomend one book for you. Its title is " Searching for Dracula-legend and history".It describes Vlad Tepes who was very complex person.
Thanks for your time and comments mates. I hope begin with the hairy cape tomorrow. I don't have time with my daughter and the baby.
Take note of the book Dekiman. I only have "Vlad the Impaler", from J.M. Trow, but Tepes is interesting for me and would like to read more about him. After reading, you can consider to Vlad Tepes a victim of his times. In a little kingdom besieged for turkish, knowing that to be betrayed by your nobles was not rare, he must be cruel and ruthless and forge strange alliances to keep the power. Don't do it was the same as being dead or prisioner again.
Now I know why you call yourself Metal Extremo.
Really??? I don't know what you mean... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
Must say that from rock (AC-DC, Led Zeppelin, ZZtop, Motorhead..) to extreme metal (Anaal Nathrak, Aborted, Funeral Mist, Bolt Thrower o Napalm Death) i hear a lot of bands, less power metal that is very boring and lineal to me.
That's an interesting piece to paint, looks great so far, can I suggest playing some Black Sabbath when painting? Heavan and Hell??:p
Always there is time for the Black Sabbath,folk. Iommi and his band invented the metal. In my particular ranking, first place for Volumen 4, second Paranoid, and third Heaven and Hell. Did you hear "13". I liked a lot.
That's an interesting piece to paint, looks great so far, can I suggest playing some Black Sabbath when painting? Heavan and Hell??:p

This (among others) works for me as "painting music". It worked for Nuts Planet as well by the look of it ;). From the largely overlooked but IMHO very good 'Tyr' album.

Nice work on the bust by the way! It's coming along great. Haven't seen this one before. (y)

- Steve
Thanks for your answer Babelfish. I've got the bust stopped for lack of time.
Two of my hobbies are painting miniatures and music. We are lucky cause can enjoy of both at the same time :)
Really??? I don't know what you mean... :rolleyes::ROFLMAO:
Must say that from rock (AC-DC, Led Zeppelin, ZZtop, Motorhead..) to extreme metal (Anaal Nathrak, Aborted, Funeral Mist, Bolt Thrower o Napalm Death) i hear a lot of bands, less power metal that is very boring and lineal to me.

Always there is time for the Black Sabbath,folk. Iommi and his band invented the metal. In my particular ranking, first place for Volumen 4, second Paranoid, and third Heaven and Hell. Did you hear "13". I liked a lot.
Well, I've listened to the lads a bit and prob heaven and hell would be my fav, I'm a Led Zepp fan and am enjoying listening to Qotsa last album 'like clock work'.:)