Oils Waffen Ss Parker


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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
Hi everyone i am about to start the pmc figure waffen ss machine gunner sculpted by John Rosengrant and was wondering about alternatives for the colour on the parker instead of field grey, i have seen somewhere on this forum a 120mm figure by the same sculpter with a parker in a beige khaki colour but cant find it, can anyone help, cheers. roy.
Thank you very much for the info i have already seen this, it is just that most of my figures are in field grey and fancied something different maybe khaki brown, does anyone have an oil mix roy.
Roy the parka on this figure is the early Kharkov parka and differs from the later parka that was sometimes(rarely) seen in Italian camo .. your choices for this one was feild grey,but the colour differed loads .. I have seen them from a khaki-ish feild grey to a greenish field grey and loads in between !

I have never painted this shade yet so cannot offer any mixes but have several should you choose to go grey/green feild grey.

I use Winsor and Newton over acrylic mainly tamiya or vallejo, i have base coated with 70988 khaki. roy.
Hello Roy, I used to use W&N Artists range oil paint for fleshtones, but have never painted uniforms or clothing with it. I've been experimenting with Vallejo paints for fleshtones, uniforms, equipment, but I checked out the W&N Websight at http://www.winsornewton.com, and they have added alot of new colors to there range, especially light, and, dark browns, that you could use straight from the tube for your khaki parka. Regards, SG