want to try enamels but have a question


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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2008
long island new york
hey there , have been using tube oils over acrylic base for flesh with some success , and acrylics for the rest of the figure , questions is i want to try enamels for the figure over acrylic base , i have a lot of enamels i stocked up on over the last few months on special and so forth , i was wondering with enamels will my figure be to shiny , how do i tone it down , should i only look for enamels that are flat . i have humbrols and testors in stock i probaly wont try testors i am really not crazy about it , but will my humbrol enamels be to shiny . very curious ?? thanks jimmy
I use enamels over enamel base for all my painting except flesh (tube oils for flesh only). I never use any gloss enamels and use only flat enamels. If I need to have a sheen to a color I use Humbrol Satin. If you start using glossy enamels you will just add alot of agravation to your painting and another step of having to paint it with a clear flat.....several times after you are done.

Look at my gallery links below to see what flat enamels look like.
thanks guy for the info , so when you basecoat with enamels there is no diluting , straight from the bottle and there should be no problem highlighting and shading mixing the enamels . i will try with this , i have a large supply which are mostly flat . thanks jimmy
Hi Jim
look at Bill Horan's book and when you open a new Humbrol mix it for a good 3 minutes.