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Active Member
Aug 4, 2006
This is my last work always for Le Petit Soldat.
For this work I had the inspiration looking at Palacio's fantasy min. So I decided to sculpt an Orc in 60'mm. The first thing it was to study the particular anatomy of this subject. I founded some pics and descriptions in fantasy books where the orcs are bigger than a man (2 mt), have long arms, muscular body. Also I want to give him a bad and wild aspect.
This is my personal vision and I hope you enjoy it.
By Fernando





Fernando that's simply amazing. Is this going to be commercial available? please? please?

Fernando,sei grande continua così.Il tuo orco è proprio bello,nonostante il soggetto a cui ti sei ispirato è quello che è !!!
Hi all!

Hi there!I was a fantazy painter before I start with historical minis and I can say this one rocks!Great pose,great appearence,great detail!

Bravo to you!
Any chance you'll post a step-by-step, or at least a commetnary on who materials were used for which sections? Is does not look like it was sculpted, some of it looks like plastic card, etc.

I've gottewn more interested in scultping my own pieces and would be curious to see what materials others are using.
Cool Action Pose, not so over-muscled like other pieces and the Equipment looks fine and super detailed! A very well made figue in a stunnig Pose! Great!!

Ciao Fernando, non sapevo che facevi anche gl'orchi. Intanto hai fatto un ottimo lavoro. Complimenti

Stephen Mallia
Thanks at all.
For Xenofon: It's not a commercial piece. This subject it was only a digression to my usually figures. But I think to sculpt another fantasy min.
For Frank: the scale is 1:30.
For SAMI e MAB: il merito è anche vostro. gli aiuti che mi avete dato e continuate a darmi stanno portando qualche risultato.
For Gonzo: I'll post a step by step for my next subject. For the orc I use magic and green and brown duro. Also I used plasticard for the shield.