I too welcome the modern figures.
Instead of more modern gear, I would like to see new variations. Check the references I emailed David Harper on. They show 1:1 mockups no one made yet.
I really like the four latest Warrior OIF figures, but I must say I kind of kitbashed DML Modern Marines to look similar to them a while back because I didn't think anyone would make modern U.S. figures. Meaning, DML's Modern Marines have "captured" that look and that time already. The neat thing about Warriors's OIF offerings is that they're the first fire team that all have a similar pose and mission---too shoot. HobbyFan's were only pairs. As such, I'm still waiting for more unique figures that ____cannot be____kitbashed from modern DML stock. Example: some Marine snipers wear "Artkis-like" vests, or Force Recon with vest pouches, web belt pouches and pouches on the back of the vest for flashbangs, or no helmet or hat SFer in the jungle. Don't forget Philippines or the War on Drugs since that'll give you Woodland BDU options.
SPEAR, FSBE, helo pilot, Close Combat, and Ranger RACK vests still have yet to be produced in 1/35 as are figures with NVGs and operating at night.
Currently, 1/35 modern U.S. figures still operate in the daytime and conventionally. 1/35 Special Forces still date to 1996 DML Rangers although Think-180 put us in Afghanistan, but not with "typical" SPEAR vests or MICH helmets or unique guns.
As always, refer to Hot Toys, Elite Force, DML, and BBI 1/6 action dolls for ideas. Those dolls are pretty accurate-looking and never copied in plastic or resin.
These modern OEF and OIF resin figures are a start, but as always, the door has just opened

. Keep up the great work and remember, no one made so many modern figures since the last DML SEAL and SF figures in 1996 and Modern Marines in 2003 (and Think 180's in 2005). If you guys don't make it, probably no one will...eight years since 1996...and that is my strongest advice; if you guys don't make it, most likely no one ever will and there's already eight years of past proof to back that saying up. Advance ahead, leave the Dragon ATGMs, PAGST body armor, non-SINCGARS radios, M-60s, and LAWs behind. These older weapons may be great for future weapons sets, but figures and weapons need to advance now that the door to make them is open. Who knows why or when that door may close.