Waterslide heraldry decals??


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A Fixture
Staff member
Aug 13, 2009
Does any company do them? Gap in the market if not!

God knows I've tried, many many times. But I just can't "do" symmetry and consistent motif sizing & spacing with a paintbrush, and am always in awe of those who can. On a good day, I can just about manage a simple cross (masked off with Tamiya tape).

I've got several sets of the Andrea rub-down decals, but in my experience they aren't very good (carrier film way too thick, and no matter how much you rub, only about half of the decal ends up on the surface).

I've also tried stencils, but again: unless the surface is perfectly flat and smooth, they don't really work and paint bleeds under them.

I know some guys make their own, but from what I can gather it all seems like a terrible faff involving scanning, re-sizing, re-re-sizing, special paper etc. etc.

Looking for a simple solution!

- Steve

Hi Kev,

Thanks for the links, much appreciated.

Those Green Stuff World ones look ideal but upon further investigation they're mainly for the tiny wargaming figures, although it does say "up to" 54mm, so some of the larger ones may be of use for that size. I'm mainly after something that would work for 75mm or larger though. They're out of stock at the sources you link to, but other suppliers have them so I might pick up a set anyway, they're cheap enough.

It's frustrating because I'm currently working on a 75mm FeR crusader and he's coming along really well - EXCEPT for his shield (3 failed attempts and about 4 wasted hours so far). I just wanted to give him a more "fancy" Jerusalem cross, but it looks like he's going to have to make do with my fallback bog-standard boring one. Or just a plain monochrome shield with no cross at all.

- Steve
Seem to remember that Tommie used to do a sheet of low stick laser cut stencils for shields.
There was a sheet with different types of crosses including 'Kingdom of Jerusalem' in various scales.
Haven't seen them in years but might be worth dropping him a pm.
Seem to remember that Tommie used to do a sheet of low stick laser cut stencils for shields.
There was a sheet with different types of crosses including 'Kingdom of Jerusalem' in various scales.
Haven't seen them in years but might be worth dropping him a pm.

Morning Del. Yes those are the stencils I was using. I've had them since about 2011-ish and I don't think that Tommi has made any more for a long time.

I have a few sheets including the one that you mention but it didn't work. I got the basic shapes (Jerusalem Cross i.e. large cross plus 4 smaller crosses) but as I said, the paint bled under it. I tried touching it up but the small crosses looked awful so I gave up and got the Dettol out on the shield. I put it down to a combination of the shield's slight curvature, the age of the stencils (too "low-stick") and my own incompetence.

- Steve
Depending on what you're looking for, Peddinghaus makes sheets of shields in 1/72 scale, that I know of. They might make them in other scales, too. The style is a simple escutcheon, three-sided in shape.
I got a couple off eBay to use as unit insignia, 14th century Prussian heraldry.
A quick search on "peddinghaus, heraldry" on eBay doesn't return any medieval or Renaissance styles, though. Only ancient Greek and Roman shields, or modern decal sheets from specific subjects, like DKM ships that had simple shields mounted or painted on their bows, etc.
Hope that helps!

I had the same problem doing 90mm Knights and found that some wargame transfer companies would take on scaling up their sheets as a special order for me. Yes they cost more, but the results were more than just pleasing. Once applied, I was able to paint over them staying within the lines and was well worth the effort. Why not contact them and ask, you'll lose nothing by just asking. Ray.
This fella did me some large decals for a very reasonable price. Very helpful and communicative.
Might be worth asking, the quality was very good.


To follow up: I e-mailed Derek, and this morning received a reply from his son Duncan telling me that Derek sadly passed away a couple of weeks ago.

Very sad news, and not the sort of reply I was anticipating.

- Steve

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