Hello: This is so incredibly wonderful and IMHO another great
example of what a super hobby this is — how an individual
with your talent can think outside the box! A streetcar for
Chri-Many Sakes!!! And yes, I am old enough to remember
riding on steetcars. I love what you have done.
However, I hope you will not be offended if I make a suggestion.
I love the position of the two boys. But to me, to make the "thrill
of the moment" even more heightened, would be for you to add
perhaps another figure??? Some other "playmate" perhaps a
young girl? Who is on the street car and is becconing (sp, sorry)
the young lads to catch up and come aboard. I see this setting as
having more figures, . . . altho, you realize, I'm going
out on a limb here, somewhat against the comments of the other
Planeteers. I hope I haven't gone too far with what I
suggest. I am so impressed with the whole concept of what
you have done. It is original, unique, and so different from
what anyone else has come up with. I congratulate you, and
your ability to create original ideas. As I said at the top: "Is
this a great hobby or what? It allows us to delve deep into
our creative selves and come up with concepts almost as
interesting and creative and what you have created. My
warm regards to you sir, and to your most creative talent!!
The Miami Jayhawk