Weapons of a Warrior - Details


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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2005
San Diego, California, USA
Working on some details to finish up the ‘Guardian’ figure based on one of King David's Mighty Men, Benaiah (2 Samuel 23:20)





More to come soon!!!


John Neill’s Art Webpages
I like what you have done with the weapons, the strapping on the sheild and scabbard is almost lifelike, I originally thought it was 1/1 scale. Is the head on the spear supposed to be that big? I'm not up on this historical timeframe, but it looks quite large.
Cant wait to see more.
that is so great!
I love the way you sculpted a giant hand, then photographed real weapons!....;):D

Great details, I am guessing you used materials other then straight putty, particularly for the shield and scabbard, which looks just so right.

Its those small details that register subconsciously, and help carry a figure.

I like what you have done with the weapons, the strapping on the shield and scabbard is almost lifelike, I originally thought it was 1/1 scale. Is the head on the spear supposed to be that big? I'm not up on this historical timeframe, but it looks quite large. Can’t wait to see more. Ben

Thanks so much for your kind words. The spearhead is intentionally large as was the spear head used by most of he middle eastern people for hunting… Boar Spears and Lions spears tended to be large then war spears. As I am trying to convey the story of Benaiah, I went with the large spear head for the “chase the lion” affect. Neill

Very nice brushwork. Like it very much. Marc

Appreciate you comments. Frankly I am always kinda amazed when the painting /brush strokes work. Good reminders not to over paint sometimes. Neill

Awesome job on the weapons. Can't wait to see him finished. Chris

Thanks Chris, having fun with this one. First non-commission job in months. Great to do a project just because it was interesting to me. Neill

John, Looking good so far. Cheers John

Cheers John! Comments are appreciated… hopefully the rest works out as well. NEill

John, that is so great!
I love the way you sculpted a giant hand, then photographed real weapons!....;):D

Great details, I am guessing you used materials other then straight putty, particularly for the shield and scabbard, which looks just so right. Its those small details that register subconsciously, and help carry a figure. Cheers

Love it… told my wife and she got a great laugh out of it too!! Though I am not sure what you mean…?

always enjoy the details… Neill
Ok, to clarify John
when viewing a figure, we as humans often look at the figure overall, then part of our brain takes in textures and finish.

The casual viewer, when seeing this figure, will say "gee, that looks so life like!" with out quite knowing why.

The scabbard being wrapped, rather then painted as such, the slightly battered rim of the shield also has a 3d result too.

comparison; painting laces onto a boot, for example, in contrast to actually laying down some thin material that simulates the effects of boot laces.

on your scabbard, we can see how the light catches the contours of the top wrap as it passes over the lower layer of wrapping.

So it's one of those effects, although subtle, is still picked up by the brain.
hope that clarifies

Still, great work.

Those are great!!!The leather is amazingly life like with the scratches and stuff.