Ron Tamburrini
A Fixture
**** it's bloody snowing here
**** it's bloody snowing here
It snowed here yesterday morning about 06:30 but it's not been too bad since, sun and showers.
Where are you Roger in the middle of the North sea
No Ron...North Yorkshire. I go back later this week so God knows what the weather will be like out there, I don't usually look at the forecast before I go as it often brings on an awful feeling of dread.
Roger, from a former tiger, get used to it, it wont get any better.
We've had hail, sleet, rain and now glorious sunshine.
Got to love British weather.
People who have never been out there just cant understand it Roger.
Nowadays I just look out the window. Dont have to feel the weather when I get out of bed.
Every visitor to Ardrossan gets a guarantee that they will get flashed at by a man in a dirty raincoat and a grisly beard within 15 minutes of arrival or your MONEY BACK!
Roger, Dont take the soup!!!!!!!!!!!!
Working out on the Dutch sector, bad weather our cook used to put on Monk Fish as only the skipper, him and I would eat it, the rest would be sick. Cant waste good food on that lot he would say!
That can't be right, he's at sea with us for six months of the year..... unless he's got a stunt double, maybe several.
So far we taysiders have had rain sleet rain, lost count how many times the missus has shouted to get the washing in only to be told to put it back out again mins later