Wellingtons Infantry Uniforms?


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Footnote to the above,
I have been informed via a Napoleonic buff on another site that the 'Stovepipe' style shako were never issued with covers of any type, they were described as 'lacquered' implying they were at the very least partially water proof....
The intention was that the Shako should be replaced annually, I wonder how often that happened?

So back to the battered Shako I guess!

Thats a good point which I had overlooked. The Belgic shako did have a cover and the stovepipe was indeed lacquered though to be honest they look pretty grotty in terms of quality.



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I have not had any problems with Vallejo black green or bronze green drying glossy dude.
I did buy some of the thinner aircolours too and they are fine.
I always shake the bejeesus out of 'em though and before squeezing a bit on the palette I squirt a touch into the water jar.
It may sound mad but they do thin better!.
So try a base of Vallej bl gr with pure black and a touch of purple, no purple for the main colour, and I add earth and or iraqui sand as highlight tones.
In the national army museum, the famous Time Machine mannequins showed a rifleman with very distressed clothing in the Peninsular. Where the seams met (or split), the greens were almost sandy white with a touch of green and the tattered black cuff edges were almost white.
This would look wrong on a miniature I think, almost impossible to handle as transitions from one tone to another and in our scales, more subtle techniques are needed.
I look forward to seeing your results.
Sometimes we think too much; I prefer the method of getting the paint on thin, acrylics are so forgiving you can transition any colours togther one over another and adjust tones as you go.
Then put it down and re'evaluate tomorrow.
I have just had to change a hussars completely finished silver lace ftom silver to gold.....('cause I am an idiot).
so I put on three thin layers of Vallejo wood glaze over the silvers and then added gold and german cammo beige, then gold and sand on and hey presto....I think :).
Enjoy your project.

Thank you Paul,
The chap on the bench is 200mm so I have a fair bit of scope for super-detailing, I had thought of using a purple tone for the collar & cuffs as a sort of washed out black?
Now you mention it, I remember the 'Road to Waterloo' display from way back when, as I recall the Rifleman was in the act of firing from behind a tree, it would be handy if any detailed photos still exist from the displays.
Anyways, I really need to get some paint on this guy before my mind wanders off onto yet another project!

Aye thats the feller and you could stand less than a foot away from them. They were fantastic if I can find piccies I'll put them on here, everyone likes a bit of Embleton.

And as if by magic, Google "Road to Waterloo Rifleman" images, wouldn't this make a superb 120mm figure, (hint hint Mr Corry).........

waterloo figure.jpg
Aye here's more me owld tater.



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Talk about getting up close and personal, you wouldn't happen to know if these figures are still on public display by any chance?


Jason Salko isn't until euromilitare.;)

I don't know mate. I think your green jacket pal was photographed in Winchester at the rifles museum, but it may have been on loan.

Did you notice the renactor is wearing a Belgic shako ?


This got me trawling through my piles of papers and I found some postcards of some of these figures. I also checked the NAM website. The NAM is closed until late this year for refurbishment. I hope they will display these figures again. I suggest you contact the Winchester museum or mail the NAM as they are still contactable.


Apologies if I missed this in this thread, but don't forget tears, patching and other repairs, when you consider the wear & tear. Certainly colors faded, but the cloth got damages through ordinary wear, including in battle.

Mat, these are absolutely perfect, I may even add the headscarf.........

Thanks all for your help and advice on this one,

Glad they are useful Steve - agree the headscarf is a nice touch. There's lots of other great details too like the sabre slash in his cartridge case flap and his earth darkened toes poking out of the boot.
Good piccies Mat !

These are amazing mannequins, I should have known you woukd come up with these goodies mate.

Yeah Paul they're pretty realistic aren't they - I only wish I had taken some pics of all the others in the National Army Museum before they were removed for the refurbishment. Be useful to have the whole set.
There are a couple of good ones up at the Coldstream Guards museum too but they didn't like me taking photos so I didn't get many (I put my pics up here on PF before so I guess you can search for them if you type in Coldstream)