Completed Critique Werner Moelders - Alpine Miniatures - 1/16 - Completed


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Thanks for commenting Ron, Graham, Johan, Ralph, Francky, Carl, Johan, Nick, Nicolae, Ski, John, Lars, Joe, Pedro, Jeff, Pekka, Patrick, Demoh, and magnificent sculptor Mike! And thanks as well to everyone who 'liked'. Very pleased you like the result.

How did you do the leather coat?

What kind of varnish did you use for the coat?

I really like the jacket, how did you do that?

For the leather I used a base coat of Vallejo chocolate brown, lighted with orange brown 981 and shaded with black. Then I used about 5 similar but different colours to get a variety in tones. Dark red is the most important one of this. Red on the mid-tones really brings leather alive.
After this I stippled on a few coats of thinned Vallejo satin varnish. It came out a bit glossier than intended, but OK.
After the varnish I used burnt umber, brown sand and iraqi sand (in that order) to go over edges and other areas of wear. The contrast between the glossy leather and matte wear parts is very pleasing to do.
Finally I went over all dark edges with black, outlining things.
